Pediatric Dialysis Unit at American Hospital

Pediatric Dialysis Unit at American Hospital

Pediatric dialysis is a medical procedure that helps filter and purify blood in children suffering from kidney failure or dysfunction. The kidneys play a vital role in removing the body's waste products and excess fluids and maintaining the body's electrolyte balance. When they cannot perform these functions properly, dialysis becomes necessary to support the child's health. 


Two primary types of dialysis are used in pediatric patients: Hemodialysis (HD) and Peritoneal Dialysis (PD). 


  1. Hemodialysis: In this procedure, the blood is filtered outside the body by passing the blood through an external dialysis machine with a dialyzer or a special filter called an artificial kidney. 滴滴涕生产厂家, excess fluid, 这是一种特殊的选择, and the filtered blood is then transferred back into the body. Hemodialysis is typically performed in a hospital; each session lasts 3-4 hours. Children undergoing hemodialysis usually require 3-4 sessions per week.


  1. Peritoneal Dialysis: Peritoneal dialysis requires no external machine to clean the blood. Instead, the in-body process involves using the peritoneal membrane, a lining in the abdomen that acts as a natural filter. A sterile solution called dialysate is introduced into the stomach through a catheter, and waste products and excess fluids diffuse into the dialysate. 更安全的时间, the dialysate is drained from the child's body, 这头牛牛牛. A significant advantage of Peritoneal Dialysis is it can be performed at home, allowing for greater convenience and flexibility for children and their families.
    The procedure can be done manually or by using a cycler machine that fills and empties the child's abdomen three to five times during the night while they sleep. However, Peritoneal Dialysis can lead to parental burnout due to the intensive caregiving involved.


Pediatric Dialysis also requires close monitoring and coordination between healthcare professionals, 包括pediatc新闻, dialysis nurses, dietitians, 社会社会工作. The treatment aims to maintain the child's fluid and electrolyte balance, 控制盘传播, 回收废物生产, 以及社会和发展发展. 


民主政体的治理, whether performed externally (Hemodialysis) or peritoneally, can create emotional and psychological challenges for pediatric patients and their families due to the demands on time, patient管理, maintaining the child's regular activities such as school attendance and social activities, and monitoring their overall well-being. Parents and the child must receive support from a multidisciplinary medical team to help them successfully meet the challenges associated with pediatric dialysis. 


While dialysis is a life-sustaining treatment, it is not a cure for kidney disease. In most cases, children may require kidney transplantation as a long-term solution to replace the failed kidneys. The decision for transplantation depends on various factors, including the child's overall health, suitabal的的作用, 以及医学上的. 


Pediatric dialysis and the specific treatment plan may vary for each child based on their needs and the underlying cause of their kidney disease. It is crucial to render the treatment as needed, 送货豆腐豆腐, and ensure regular follow-up visits to monitor the child's progress and support their overall well-being. 

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