

Manage Urinary Incontinence with Hydration

Encouraging men and women with urinary incontinence to keep themselves hydrated might sound counterproductive, but it can actually be quite beneficial for them. It’s very likely that people associate the consumption of liquids (or water) with the urge to urinate frequently. However, this can deteriorate their symptoms, since consuming less fluids can end up releasing urine that’s more concentrated and irritating to the bladder.

Whether or not you have urine disorders, keeping yourself hydrated can be effective when it’s done correctly, 在门上:

• Make sure you are drinking anything a few hours before bedtime
• Take a bathroom trip to fully empty your bladder before hitting the bed
• Drink at least 8 glasses of plain water a day
• Frequent sipping instead of gulping one or two glasses of water at a time can prevent overwhelming the bladder.


While several factors contribute to trigger bladder leakages, there are certain beverages that can irritate the bladder. But regardless of what causes urinary incontinence, plain water is deemed the most effective choice when it comes to beverages.

In order to manage the condition better, it’s important that you avoid or limit consuming certain beverages that can lead to the irritation of a bladder. These can include alcohol, citrus juices, milk, carbonated and caffeinated drinks. Caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics that increase the urine leakages, and therefore must be limited when it comes to keeping yourself hydrated.


Monitoring food choices can help you identify foods that provide relief or foods that worsen incontinence. You can consider cutting down on the following foods to avoid irritation of a bladder, urine leaks and even constipation:

• Citrus fruits including lemons, oranges, grapefruit and others
• Artificial flavors and sweeteners

在adition到bove, try and add more fibers to your diet; for example, wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, beans, green vegetables )including spinach, broccoli etc. and almonds. Also adding supplements to a regular diet can help prevent constipation.

If you find that your symptoms of Urinary Incontinence don’t improve by even keeping yourself hydrated then see a doctor. Fill our secure online form to schedule an appointment with a General Physician or Gynecologist at American Hospital Dubai for evaluation and treatment of urine leakages and incontinence.

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