

血液学 is the medical field that diagnoses and treats diseases of the blood, 骨髓, and blood-making organs in our body; oncology is the field that treats cancers and tumors. Pediatric hematology/oncology deals with diagnosing, 治疗和管理这些疾病, 儿童和青少年的癌症和肿瘤.

Diagnosing and managing blood disorders in children and adolescents require particular care and skill because it deals with disease management during their crucial growth and development phase, 不像完全发育的成年人.

迪拜美国医院的儿科血液科 & Oncology Center offers world-class care and 专业知识 for infants, children and adolescents up to 18 by specialists who understand the complexities of rapidly changing physical, emotional and physiological changes and the treatment and care each growth stage requires.

They provide evidence-based treatment at every stage of pediatric medicine, ensuring the child receives targeted care based on their unique needs and age-and-stage-specific requirements.

Our Pediatric 血液学/ Oncology 治疗s Are the Hallmark of Effective Care

The department is led by a highly skilled team of doctors-specialists, 治疗师, 护士, 放射治疗师, who use a blended treatment approach of the most advanced, best-in-class hematology/oncology 专业知识 delivered with compassion. We provide cancer care on par with the most advanced children's cancer centers globally.

Our Pediatric 血液学 and Oncology Department offers specialized treatments for all hematologic and oncologic conditions in children, and we have built our renown on our best practices:

Child-Centric焦点: We know how specialized and unique pediatric care is. 从最初的咨询开始, 诊断, 以及护理后支持的治疗, 你的孩子会得到我们的全部关注, 专业知识, and empathy at every step of their health journey with us.

团队合作: Our Pediatric 血液学/ 泌尿外科 team works in close coordination, 定期举行个案讨论, to arrive at a customized treatment plan for your child.

多学科方法: We follow an interdisciplinary approach to achieve our patients' best care outcomes. 我们与其他专业协同工作, 包括心肺科, 医学影像科, 以及我们最先进的诊断实验室, with the shortest turnaround time for results delivery, 确保迅速开始治疗.

第二意见: The second opinion is a critical medical tool with significant benefits, and many patients and their families actively seek it. 作为医疗保健领导者, 迪拜美国医院 collaborates with the prestigious Mayo Clinic, and we are uniquely positioned to offer the region's best diagnostic, 协商, and treatment-management protocol for second opinions.

有效的决策: Our Pediatric physicians undertake direct admissions for inpatient care when needed, 从诊所到儿科病房. We treat patients in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf region.

共情治疗途径: 儿科 is a highly specialized medical sub-genre that deals with children's specific world of thoughts, 焦虑, 他们的期望与成年人明显不同. It requires patience, warmth, and the ability to inhabit their world and work from there. Our 血液学/Oncology Pediatric Specialists bring this crucial understanding to their relationship with their young patient to deliver the most favorable outcomes.

包容、以家庭为中心、全面的方法: The challenge of childhood cancer requires the child and their family to receive full, whole-hearted support and reassurance throughout the treatment journey, and our hematology/oncology specialists’ function by this core value to ensure you and your child are always in the best hands.

Our Pediatric 血液学 Department offers treatments for the following conditions:

  • Anemia (iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, a vitamin-deficiency-induced condition)
  • 自身免疫性溶血性贫血
  • 非免疫性溶血性贫血, including membranopathies (spherocytosis and enzymopathies such as pyruvate kinase deficiency or a genetic red blood cell disorder)
  • Neutropenia (low levels of neutrophils, a type of white blood cells)
  • ITP (Immune thrombocytopenic purpura): A type of autoimmune disorder
  • 深静脉血栓
  • 出血和凝血障碍
  • 镰状细胞病
  • 再生障碍性贫血
  • 骨髓衰竭综合征
  • HLH (Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis): A white-blood cells related disease
  • PNH (Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria): A type of blood disease

Our Pediatric Oncology Department offers treatments for the following conditions:

  • Germ cell tumors (Teratoma, Yolk sac tumors, a malignant tumor of cells lining the embryo sac)
  • 白血病
  • 淋巴瘤
  • 脑部肿瘤
  • 霍奇金病的肿瘤
  • 神经母细胞瘤
  • 视网膜母细胞瘤
  • 罕见的肿瘤
  • 骨肉瘤
  • 尤文氏肉瘤
  • 其他肉瘤

迪拜美国医院's 血液学/Oncology Department Ensures Your Child Receives the Best 治疗

孩子的健康是你的首要任务. 这也是我们的首要任务.

作为父母, 你寻求最有效的, 安全, 个性化的, 对你的孩子进行富有同情心的治疗, and our 血液学/Oncology specialists are here to meet your needs and expectations.

Your child needs full support through this challenging phase to get back to recovery and health. So, we have the best pediatric specialists on board who use the latest technologies and treatments guided by child-focused attention and empathy.

了解更多关于迪拜美国医院的信息, 我们的专家, 外科平台首页, 和顾问, 致电+971 4 377 5500或发邮件给我们: info@antiracismacademy.net

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