


Pediatric endocrinology is a sub-specialty in medicine dealing with the disorders of the endocrine glands and hormones in children. 激素对身体发育至关重要, 包括促进增长, 调节糖, 代谢的食物, 保证正常的性功能和睡眠. Any variations in physical growth and sexual development or the development of diabetes and other hormone-related conditions in children involve the field of pediatric endocrinology. Too little or too much hormone output in the body creates problems.


我们的内分泌系统包括脑下垂体, 甲状腺, 肾上腺和胰腺, 释放激素. The endocrine system also influences heartbeat, bone and tissue growth, and fertility.


  • 肾上腺
  • 下丘脑
  • 卵巢
  • 胰腺中的胰岛细胞
  • 甲状腺
  • 甲状旁腺
  • 松果体
  • 脑下垂体 
  • 睾丸
  • 胸腺


An imbalance in your child's hormonal output leads to conditions specific to the gland. For example, if the pancreas is malfunctioning, it leads to diabetes. A growth delay can be due to insufficient pituitary gland hormones or delayed puberty due to adrenal gland problems.

What Are the Types of Pediatric Endocrine Disorders?

Hormonal imbalance creates several conditions in children, including the following:

  • 增长障碍: These include stunted or excessive growth (very short stature or gigantism). If the pituitary gland produces high growth hormones, 它会导致异常的增长率,反之亦然.
  • 双性疾病: These conditions lead to sexual ambiguity due to an imbalance in the gender hormones.
  • 糖尿病和低血糖: A malfunctioning pancreas leads to diabetes or low blood glucose.
  • 肾上腺机能不全: The shortage of the hormone cortisol released by the adrenal gland can result in fatigue, 恶心想吐, 消化不良, 脱水和皮肤突变, 还有其他症状.
  • 甲状腺机能亢进、甲状腺功能减退: Both conditions are caused by abnormal hormones released by the 甲状腺. Hyperthyroidism (high levels) leads to severe weight loss, arrhythmia, profuse sweating and anxiety. Hypothyroidism (low levels) leads to fatigue, constipation, dry skin and depression.
  • 性早熟: Glands cause premature release of hormones, bringing on 青春期提前.
  • 青春期的障碍: 青春期早发或延迟
  • 骨疾病: Brittle bones, abnormal bone formations, bone mass disorders and other conditions. The thyroid hormone plays a critical role in average bone growth.
  • 先天性肾上腺增生(CAH): It is a condition in which children are born with a malfunctioning adrenal gland, which leads to insufficient output of three important hormones, 皮质醇(维持能量), 血压和血糖), 醛固酮, and androgens (development of male characteristics). CAH leads to rapid early growth and sudden cessation, 不典型性器官, 青春期提前, 毛发过度生长, 等.
  • 社会心理侏儒症: It is a condition caused by severe psychological stress to a child. The Growth Hormone (GH) is suppressed, causing the child to stop growing and delaying puberty.

迪拜美国医院's endocrinologists treat infants to young adults across conditions in endocrinology and metabolism.


We conduct tests to diagnose or rule out endocrine conditions depending on the child's symptoms.


  • 血/尿测试.
  • 计算机断层扫描
  • 核磁共振成像.
  • 正电子发射断层扫描.
  • 激素刺激试验.
  • 甲状腺测试.
  • 骨密度/骨矿物质测试.


治疗 is based on the specific endocrine disorder and may include hormone replacement therapies, 药物治疗, 或者其他方法.

我们的儿科新陈代谢, 内分泌学, and Diabetes services accept referrals for evaluation and treatment of children.


  • 异常生长
  • 下丘脑和垂体功能异常.
  • 肾上腺和性腺疾病.
  • 钙障碍.
  • 先天性肾上腺增生.
  • 尿崩症.
  • 糖尿病.
  • 糖尿病综合护理.
  • 胰岛素泵治疗.
  • 连续血糖监测(GCM).
  • 甲状腺疾病甲状腺疾病和缺陷.
  • 低血糖症.
  • 性早熟.
  • 社会心理侏儒症.

Why Choose 迪拜美国医院 for Your Child's Endocrine Health?

The 迪拜美国医院's 儿科内分泌学 Department is one of the most advanced in the region, offering tailored treatment and care for your child's specific needs. 我们的内分泌专家提供了最新的信息, 以证据和研究为主导的治疗, ensuring your child receives the most effective care.

  • 全面和以儿童为中心: Your family will experience compassion and dedication for your child with our safe and effective treatment approaches.
  • 多学科和协调护理: 迪拜美国医院's multidisciplinary philosophy means our pediatric endocrinologists work closely with other subspecialties to provide your child with the most effective and integrated treatment.
  • 精准诊疗: From ordering the correct lab tests and doing precise analysis of results to knowing the difference between treating small children and adolescents, 我们的内分泌学家
  • 一流的儿科内分泌专家: We have some of the best pediatric endocrinologists in Dubai, offering your child personalized endocrinological care.
  • 家庭支持: We know how concerned you are about your child's health. We guide and support you every step of your child's treatment journey, ensuring we work as a team.

Give Your Child the Best Endocrinological 治疗s

Childhood endocrine disorders require specialized care and diagnosis because the conditions produce different symptoms in children. A care team skilled in providing accurate diagnoses and correct treatments in a compassionate way is paramount to helping the child maintain health.

迪拜美国医院's team of pediatric endocrinologists are fully abreast of new developments and therapies in the field and offer the solutions you are looking for. For more information on our treatments and doctors, call 0097143775500


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