帕金森病 and other Movement Disorders

Movement disorders are neurological conditions that inhibit or impact the body's everyday movements, 比如用手, 走, 坐着, 站, 弯曲, 把, 等. In general, movement disorders lead to abnormal movements or a gradual loss of movement.


There are several types of movement disorders, with some of the most common types including

  1. 帕金森病 (a brain-related disorder that impacts movement and leads to mental decline).
  2. 亨廷顿氏舞蹈症 (an inherited condition where some nerve cells in the brain waste away).
  3. 图雷特综合症 (突然的抽搐、运动或抽搐)
  4. 共济失调 (肌肉失去协调性).
  5. 必要的震动.
  6. 不宁腿综合症: A sleep disorder causing uncontrollable involuntary movements of legs or arms.
  7. 肌张力障碍 (involuntary contractions of muscles leading to pain and repetitive movements).

帕金森病 is one of the most common movement disorders, along with tremors. More than 10 million people have 帕金森病 worldwide.



帕金森病 is a neurological disorder that affects the body's movement. It occurs due to deterioration of the nerve cells in a region of the brain called basal ganglia. 基底神经节, situated in the central portion of your brain, manage the brain's signals to the body's muscles to carry out movements. When the nerve cells in this area get damaged, 大脑的信号传导受损, 导致失去运动能力, unintended or uncontrollable movements (shaking, 震动), 刚度, 失去平衡和协调能力.


The onset of symptoms is a slow process; over time, they worsen and become more perceptible. The Disease shows a different pace of progression in people, 早期的症状是轻微的,渐进的.


  1. 轻微的手抖.
  2. 写作困难.
  3. 刚度. (Rigidity in muscles, leading to a feeling of pain).
  4. Inability to make regular movements such as swinging arms, smiling or blinking.
  5. 弯腰驼背,失去平衡.
  6. Slow movements make it longer and harder to do simple tasks.
  7. 口齿不清,说话缺乏语气.
  8. 缺乏面部表情.
  9. 便秘.
  10. 泌尿问题.
  11. 抑郁症.
  12. 睡眠问题.
  13. 认知问题.


Nerve cell degeneration in the brain's basal ganglia region leads to 帕金森病. The Disease usually affects people in their 60s though in rare cases, 它也发生在年轻人身上.

在一个健康的个体中, 这些神经细胞产生多巴胺, a critical brain chemical or neurotransmitter that promotes body functions, 包括运动, 情绪, 和记忆. When the impaired nerve cells produce less dopamine, 它会影响运动, 感官敏锐度, 思维能力, 心理健康, 表现为帕金森病.

The causes of the nerve degeneration can be:

  1. Genetic: Certain gene mutations trigger the Disease.
  2. Environmental: 接触毒素, industrial pollution, 等.
  3. 特殊脑部疾病.
  4. 头部外伤.

What is the treatment for 帕金森病?

The treatment goal for 帕金森病 is to control or reduce the severity of symptoms.

  1. 药物 to increase the brain's output of dopamine.
  2. Drugs to reduce involuntary movements, 比如震颤 and loosen muscle rigidity
  3. Deep brain stimulation: This procedure is used when the response to medication is unsatisfactory. It involves implanting an electrode into the affected part of the brain to stimulate it to alleviate movement problems, 比如震颤, 缓慢, 和刚度.
  4. Physical, occupational, and speech therapies.



偶尔, 我们经历了抽搐, 混蛋, 或者是转瞬即逝的运动问题, but these are random occurrences and do not indicate anything serious. But persistent abnormal movements or loss of movement may indicate the onset of a movement disorder, 这些迹象可能包括:

  1. Uncontrolled and involuntary twitches, spasms, tremors, or shaking.
  2. 缺乏协调和平衡.
  3. Difficulty in tasks such as writing, 走, or 站 still.
  4. 步态变化
  5. 四肢僵硬
  6. Abnormal tics and movement of facial muscles.


Movement disorders are caused by damage to the brain's nerve cells in the parts that control body movements. Several factors may lead to neurological degeneration, and they include:

  1. 脑部损伤或脑部疾病.
  2. 遗传学.
  3. 感染或炎症.
  4. 药物.
  5. 代谢紊乱.
  6. 中风.
  7. 接触毒素.

What is the treatment for movement disorders?

The treatment method depends on the type of movement disorder. Because these disorders are due to malfunctioning nerve cells in the brain, drugs are a significant treatment choice to address cell pathology.


  1. 药物 to increase the brain's output of dopamine.
  2. Drugs to reduce involuntary movements, 比如震颤 and loosen muscle rigidity.
  3. Deep brain stimulation: This procedure is used when the response to medication is unsatisfactory. It involves implanting an electrode into the affected part of the brain to stimulate it to alleviate movement problems.
  4. Physical, occupational, and speech therapies.

迪拜美国医院 offers the most accurate diagnosis, treatments and care for 帕金森病 and other Movement Disorders

Our highly experienced neurologists treat 帕金森病 and other movement disorders using the most advanced methods.

We know every case is different and requires a 100% personalized treatment plan and guidance to improve symptoms, reinstate confidence and help you with the best outcomes.

We know how critical accurate diagnosis is and combine our expertise with state-of-the-art facilities and a multi-disciplinary and integrative treatment approach to ensure you get the most effective and personalized treatment program for 帕金森病 and other movement disorders.