
We provide you the information you need to know about Uterine Fibroid and how Uterine Fibroid Embolization can help treat the condition. Our team of Gynecologists and Interventional Radiologists offers the latest yet safest treatment options available, including minimally invasive procedures.


子宫动脉栓塞术, also known as Uterine Fibroid Embolization, is a minimally invasive procedure to treat uterine fibroids - noncancerous (benign) tumors that develop in the uterus (womb). The procedure is carried out to block off the blood transportation to the fibroids, 导致它们收缩. 平台首页 recommend uterine fibroid embolization for being a safe and effective treatment for multiple fibroids or very large fibroids. Evidence shows the majority of the women having undergone the embolization no longer experience fibroids after the procedure.


The precise causes of uterine fibroids might not be known, but the following factors have been found to play a crucial role in developing and promoting the growth of fibroids inside the uterus:

  • Family history: Fibroids may run in the genes. If you have a family history of this condition, you’re likely to develop it as well.
  • Hormones: Estrogen and progesterone are two hormones released by the ovaries. 在每个月经周期, they cause the uterine lining to regenerate, appear to promote the growth of fibroids.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy stimulates the release of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body. While you’re pregnant, fibroids may develop and grow rapidly.
  • Other growth factors: Growth-promoting substances such as insulin-like may stimulate fibroid growth.


为了做出正确的诊断, your doctor (or Gynecologist) will get a pelvic exam to check the condition, 大小, 和子宫的形状. (S)他亦可建议进行其他测试, 比如超声波, 盆腔MRI, 以及其他实验室测试,包括全血细胞计数, 等.

Why is Uterine Fibroid Embolization Performed?

并非所有的肌瘤都有症状. But when they do, uterine embolization is an effective way to treat them. Women with this condition may have the following symptoms:

  • 阴道大量出血
  • 经痛加重
  • 血细胞计数低
  • 盆腔疼痛或压力
  • Pressure or fullness in the lower abdomen
  • 腹部肿胀或增大
  • 夜里醒来小便
  • 便秘

If you experience the above-listed symptoms and have already tried medicines or hormones to reduce symptoms but to no avail, it’s advised to schedule an appointment with a Gynecology Consultant or Interventional Radiologist at 迪拜美国医院 to discuss your health condition and assess whether this procedure is likely to be successful for you.

How Is Uterine Embolization for Fibroids Performed?

Uterine fibroid embolization is administered by an Interventional Radiologist with sedation and local anesthesia to make the patient sleepy and relaxed. 在手术过程中,你的平台首页:

在腹股沟处开个小口, and inserts a small thin tube called a catheter into the uterine artery. The uterine artery is responsible for carrying blood to the uterus.
Injects small plastic or gelatin particles into the blood vessels that supply blood to the fibroids. This cuts off the blood supply, causing the fibroids to shrink and die.
The embolization is performed in both left and right uterine arteries.

The procedure usually takes about 1 to 3 hours and doesn’t require a hospital stay.

Post-Uterine Fibroids Embolization Procedure:

Fortunately, patients can go home immediately after recovering from the procedure. They may experience pelvic cramping for up to 24 hours. The doctor may prescribe pain-relieving medication if needed.

Women having undergone the procedure have been able to resume light activities within a few days. Normally it takes about 5 to 10 days to return to normal activity.
If you have Uterine Fibroids and seek a minimally invasive embolization procedure in Dubai, 今天和我们预约一下. Our experienced healthcare providers use state-of-the-art technology to treat patients with compassion in a safe and patient-friendly environment.

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