Medical Imaging and 核医学 Center

医学成像是医学中的一个诊断领域,它导致了身体内部的视觉表现和扫描的创建. Often required for clinical analysis and diagnosis, 它允许平台首页和内科平台首页评估内部器官和组织的功能,并发现紊乱或损伤的迹象.

Medical Imaging holds many technologies under its umbrella. 这包括以下模式:x射线,CT,MRI,US,核医学(包括SPECT/CT) & PET CT.


A technology that results in unique information about the inside of the body, which usually cannot be identified using other medical imaging tools, 核医学是一种注入有限的放射性物质的成像技术, 被称为放射性示踪剂, 进入病人的血液. The radiotracers may also be inhaled or swallowed, depending on the patient’s medical condition and their history. 然后,放射性示踪剂在检查区域内漫游,并以伽马射线的形式将能量输入特殊的相机和计算机, forming images and scans of the internal body.

核医学的众多好处之一是,它使平台首页能够在早期阶段发现和识别疾病和失调. In this way, it provides patients with a better chance at complete recovery.

Shaped like a small tunnel wide enough to fit one adult body, 磁共振成像(MRI)是一种利用磁场和无线电波能量来形成人体皮肤和骨骼下器官和生理图像的身体检查.

At times more conclusive that other imaging processes, 比如超声波或CT扫描, MRIs deliver diverse information about the structural formation of the human anatomy, 通常允许平台首页识别其他机器无法评估的异常和不规则.

核磁共振测试需要将人体置于一个宽管或隧道中进行. The system saves digital images and scans on the AHD database for closer inspection. The scans can also be printed when needed.

Shaped like a small tunnel wide enough to fit one adult body, 磁共振成像(MRI)是一种利用磁场和无线电波能量来形成人体皮肤和骨骼下器官和生理图像的身体检查.

At times more conclusive that other imaging processes, 比如超声波或CT扫描, MRIs deliver diverse information about the structural formation of the human anatomy, 通常允许平台首页识别其他机器无法评估的异常和不规则.

核磁共振测试需要将人体置于一个宽管或隧道中进行. 该系统将数字图像和扫描结果保存在美国医院的数据库中,以供进一步检查. The scans can also be printed when needed.



癌症平台首页通常需要CT扫描,以确定他们的癌症类型并评估其损害,以便平台首页制定可靠的治疗计划. CT也需要用于诊断血液疾病和动脉粥样硬化等循环系统疾病, as well as blood vessel aneurysms, 血凝块, 脊柱疾病, kidney and bladder stone infections, 脓肿, 炎性疾病, overall injuries to the head and internal organs, 以及骨折和骨折.

CT是可行的, safe option for both younger patients and adults, 然而,这个过程需要病人躺在桌子上,因为它在一个大的x射线环的中心导航.

Short for ‘single photon emission computerized tomography’, SPECT扫描是医学成像的一种形式,使平台首页平台首页能够评估和分析各种内部器官的功能. As part of the spectrum of nuclear imaging tests, 它利用一种放射性物质和专门的相机,对我们皮肤下的器官进行精确的3D渲染.

高级SPECT扫描不同于常规的成像检查,因为它可以为平台首页提供评估器官功能的机会,而不仅仅是它们的形状, 例如, the flow of blood to a patient’s heart or the level of brain activity.

A technology that results in unique information about the inside of the body, which usually cannot be identified using other medical imaging tools, 核医学是一种注入有限的放射性物质的成像技术, 被称为放射性示踪剂, 进入病人的血液. The radiotracers can also be inhaled or swallowed, depending on the patient’s medical condition and their history. 然后,放射性示踪剂在检查区域内漫游,并以伽马射线的形式将能量输入特殊的相机和计算机, forming images and scans of the internal body.

核医学的众多好处之一是,它使平台首页能够在早期阶段发现和识别疾病和失调. In this way, it provides patients with a better chance at complete recovery.

Short for ‘positron emission tomography/computed tomography’, PET / CT是两种不同类型扫描方法的组合:正电子发射断层扫描(PET)和x射线计算机断层扫描(CT)。.

这两种技术的集成使平台首页能够在单个会话中从每个设备收集不同的数据, developing sequential images that lead to a single, more complete and infinitely more accurate resulting image.

超声波, or sonogram as it is sometimes referred to, 是一种利用高频声波对人体器官和内部生理进行更近距离检查的医学成像吗.

Commonly used to examine vital organs such as the heart, 血管, 肾脏和肝脏, ultrasound scans are also often used to examine the fetus in the case of a pregnancy.

They require a special gel to be administered on the area that needs to be scanned, 之后,将手动操作的传感器应用于同一区域以评估皮肤下的活动.

One of the benefits of ultrasounds is that they do not expose patients to radiation.

Used to detect the earliest signs of breast cancer, which can be most effectively treated, a mammography is a breast-imaging technology that requires low doses of radiation.


通常称为x射线扫描, 普通放射照相术是一种用于创建内部图像的技术,可以帮助平台首页诊断和检测平台首页骨骼和肺部的异常情况, 在其他器官异常中. This tool requires among the lowest levels of radiation.

放射学放射学的一个分支, 介入放射学使用成像设备使平台首页能够诊断内部异常并选择后续治疗方案.

血管造影术, 另一方面, offers doctors the opportunity to perform closer inspections of internal 血管. 该过程需要将一个小导管放入血管中,通过该导管注入x射线染料,使平台首页能够检查轨迹并发现任何异常情况.

透视是一种医学成像系统,它在监视器上提供连续的x射线图像. 它需要x射线束穿过身体,以提供详细的内部视图.

When a radiopharmaceutical is given intravenously or orally, 平台首页能够利用病人身体发出的辐射来评估内部问题. The nuclear medicine images are obtained by nuclear detectors (SPECT/CT or PET / CT). This differs from an X-ray or CT scan, in which the image is formed by external radiation passing through the body.

SPECT或PET扫描与低剂量CT扫描融合成像能够在一组图像中同时显示肿瘤或器官的代谢和解剖结构. This is one of the most effective and modern imaging techniques for diagnosis, 鉴别和确定肿瘤是否在体内扩散,扩散到何种程度和方向.

It is used effectively in not only oncology, but also the diagnosis of infection sites, 神经系统疾病, such as epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease, and even coronary heart disease in some cases.

核医学使用特定的放射性药物来治疗良性和恶性疾病. 包括甲状腺机能亢进, 甲状腺癌, neuroblastoma and neuroendocrine tumors, 在别人. Nuclear medicine imaging is also valuable in the planning of radiation therapy.


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