

Internal medicine is a specialty of medicine focuses on early identifying the risk factors for the most common diseases, by performing comprehensive and through physical exams and ordering the appropriate laboratory and diagnostic studies to make early diagnosis and set up initial treatment plan for almost all diseases and medical conditions that affect the internal organs of the body. It is a broad field that includes a wide range of medical conditions and diseases, 比如神经学, 心血管病, 糖尿病, 消化系统疾病, 呼吸道疾病(呼吸系统疾病), 发现早期癌症, 基本传染病.

内科平台首页, 也被称为内科平台首页, are trained to approach medical conditions in comprehensive way to the adult patients over 18 years old and think critically and systematically to identify and address the root cause of a patient's health problems by initiating the diagnostic work up from laboratory to imaging studies to reach the right diagnosis and initiate treatment as soon as possible. Internists  may need to refer and communicate with other subspecialties in certain medical conditions like cardiologist, 血液学家, 胸腔科, 传染性疾病, 胃肠病学家和肿瘤学家.  Ultimately this will provide overall management of a complex medical conditions over the long term in a comprehensive way by developing strategies to maintain healthy lifestyle and preventing acute flares or crises of such chronic diseases to minimize the impact of chronic diseases on the patient’s daily lifestyle. This will be established by close follow up providing support and education to patients and their families during this process until full recovery

在美国医院, internal medicine physician does not only work on diagnosing  and treating acute and chronic diseases, but also to prevent the crises and the attacks of such diseases by recognizing and controlling the risk factors for such diseases as hypertension, 糖尿病平台首页, 哮喘, 慢性阻塞性肺疾病, gout as well as Crohn and ulcerative colitis diseases.


内科医学 Doctor addresses a wide spectrum of illnesses of all body organs. Some of the common general medical conditions internal medicine focuses on are:

  • 头痛
  • 高血压
  • 高胆固醇
  • 哮喘和过敏
  • Early screening as per US guidelines for early detection of all diseases
  • Gastrointestinal disorders like abdominal pain work up and Irritable bowel disease
  • 骨质疏松症
  • 糖尿病
  • 呼吸
  • 内分泌学
  • 风湿病学
  • 血液学(如贫血)
  • 心血管疾病
  • 传染病
  • Follow-up care after the patient is discharged from the hospital to ensure patients receive care till, 他们完全康复了
  • Our Internists will communicate with subspecialties if needed to maximize your treatment plans and make sure you have better healthier lifestyle

内科医学 服务 at American Hospital:

This medical specialty at American Hospital provides a wide range of non-surgical Medical services, 其中包括:

  • 设备齐全的ICU, CCU and HDU units undertake critical patients and provide them with round-the-clock advanced and comprehensive care.
  • Diagnostic testing and comprehensive health treatment plans for 糖尿病, 胃肠道功能紊乱, 呼吸道条件, 心血管病, 还可以治疗癌症和传染病.
  • 预防保健服务,如免疫接种, 放映, 风险评估, to help identify and address potential health problems early on.
  • 保持健康的个性化计划, 包括健康饮食的建议, 锻炼, 以及压力管理.
  • Promote individual’s overall health and wellness by serving as the link between patients and physicians in other departments

In addition to our diagnostic and therapeutic services, we also place a strong emphasis on health education as we believe that empowering patients with knowledge and understanding is an essential part of maintaining good health.


Our internists provide the highest standards of care to all our patients, using evidence-based medicine as approach all the times. Whether you are seeking primary care physicians who can see patients at all ages or internal medicine 平台首页 who can see adults and elderly patients in our satellite clinics or inpatient care in the hospital, our team is always here working together to support you on your journey to better health.

在这里, healthcare practitioners and staff encourage open communication and strive to connect with each person they treat. This approach means to provide personalized care that addresses your and your family’s most pressing health care concerns.

While our physicians treat a broad range of conditions, internists at American Hospital are strong advocates for preventive care and have a special interest in preventative health. 出于这个原因, they keep arranging and incorporating health awareness programs into their practices throughout the year.

