Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (医学界) can be a lifeline for vulnerable young patients suffering from acute cardiopulmonary failure. 在迪拜美国医院的儿科重症监护室(PICU), 我们提供拯救生命的技术和卓越的医疗基础设施, 即使是最小的呼吸也能恢复.

关于PICU 医学界:

医学界, 或体外膜氧合, is a life support procedure used in the PICU for critical young patients with acute cardiac or respiratory failure. It temporarily assists the heart and lungs by using an external pump to circulate blood through an artificial lung (membrane oxygenator) that adds oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. 医学界 allows the patient’s heart and lungs to rest so that they can recover from other conditions such as severe pneumonia, 心脏循环系统的先天性残疾, 或者急性疾病. It is a multifaceted and focused treatment used when standard therapies are insufficient, and it can be an important tool in the management of life-threatening situations in a PICU.


Some of the conditions that we treat using the 医学界 treatment in the PICU facility include:

  • 严重呼吸衰竭: Providing life support for individuals facing critical breathing challenges. .
  • 先天性心脏缺陷: Offering 医学界 intervention for infants with congenital heart abnormalities requiring specialized cardiac support.
  • 心肌病: ESupporting cardiac function in cases of weakened heart muscles to optimize patient recovery.
  • Postcardiotomy冲击: Managing post-surgical shock situations, ensuring stabilization and recovery.
  • 严重脓毒症: Utilizing 医学界 for patients experiencing severe systemic infections to support vital organ function.
  • 溺水: Employing 医学界 in cases of near-drowning incidents to aid respiratory and circulatory recovery.  
  • 创伤性损伤: Providing life-sustaining 医学界 support for patients with severe injuries impacting respiratory and cardiac functions.
  • 新生儿持续性肺动脉高压(PPHN): P Supporting newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension to enhance oxygenation and improve outcomes.
  • 棘手的心律失常: Addressing persistent and challenging heart rhythm disturbances through 医学界 assistance.

中心的医学界 PICU服务:

  • 全球公认的专家:We guarantee the highest level of medical care under the direction of renowned doctors and surgeons with significant experience in handling difficult situations.
  • 专门的护士: 他们提供持续的床边护理, 系统地监测生命体征, 24小时提供准确的报道.
  • Experts in airway control and ventilator support who collaborate seamlessly with the 医学界 team.
  • 持续的监控: 我们的现代设备每小时都能精确地监测每一个病人. 由于这种持续的监测, 调整治疗计划的最佳时间是提前. 因此, we can guarantee that the highly responsible staff of our hospital will give you the best care.
  • 富有同情心的儿童生活专家: 认识到家庭的情感损失, 他们提供适合年龄的活动和情感支持.

我们知道没有两个孩子是一样的. 您孩子的体外膜肺氧合过程成为我们的核心关注点, 有一个个性化的治疗方案, 开放的沟通, 家庭支持, 还有一流的医疗设施.

我们医学界 PICU团队的护理方法:

对于患有严重疾病的儿童, 儿科重症监护室(PICU)采用以团队为基础的方法, 它们是体外膜氧合(医学界)的一部分. The 医学界 PICU team consists of highly specialized professionals such as pediatric intensivists, 心脏外科平台首页, 医学界专家, 呼吸治疗师, 护士, and other healthcare practitioners who collaborate to manage challenging situations involving severe cardiorespiratory failure.

沟通和协调是我们医学界团队的重要组成部分, involving regular interdisciplinary meetings to review a patient’s progress and treatment plans as well as potentially modifying care. 每个团队的成员都贡献了各自的专业知识, 最终会对我们的小病人有利吗.  This collaborative relationship goes beyond the medical team to involve families in the care process. We constantly maintain communication with parents or guardians and inform them of what condition a child has developed to use an 医学界 procedure and whole treatment plan on them. The 医学界 PICU team focuses on establishing a supportive and compassionate environment for families at an emotionally draining time.


迪拜美国医院 is a leading choice for individuals and families looking to receive exceptional medical care services. AHD has a diverse and multilingual staff that can cater to a diversified patient base, thus ensuring effective communication and understanding of varied cultural backgrounds.

我们的重症监护室配备了尖端的医疗技术和设备, 这表明我们致力于提供准确的治疗和诊断. 迪拜美国医院坚持高标准, providing patients with confidence in the reliability and safety of our services. The hospital’s leadership commitment is also reflected in their patient services, 协助处理一切事务.

病人s frequently choose the 迪拜美国医院 not only for its superior medical capabilities but also for its excellent reputation.  我们是由口碑来定义的, 积极的平台首页评价, 在医学界也有良好的声誉. The 迪拜美国医院 managed to establish itself as the first choice for those who need high-quality medical services combined with a culturally sensitive approach and environmental accommodation that values patient care.


需要紧急援助或对我们的医学界 PICU有疑问? 正规赌博十大平台排行: +971 4 3775500 或填写我们的官方网站联系表格. 我们是来帮忙的.

一些平台首页可能会在24小时内停用医学界, 而其他人可能需要维持体外膜氧合超过 30天

医学界 is considered safe when done by highly qualified healthcare teams on the proper clinical premises. 它的安全性依赖于仔细的病人选择, 监控, 以及医疗从业者应对ecmo相关挑战的能力. 

医学界 bridges the transfer to the PICU by providing support to children awaiting a heart or lung transplant. 挑战包括感染的风险, 维护 抗凝, and ensuring coordination between 医学界 and transplant teams to maximize patient outcomes. 

医学界 in the PICU provides specialist life support for children with serious heart or lung problems, 大大提高 他们完全康复的机会. 

When a patient is unable to breathe on their own, a ventilator pushes air into and out of the lungs. An 医学界 system pumps blood through a mechanism that removes CO2 and adds oxygen.

The patients do not feel any severe pain or discomfort when the tubes are placed or while the 医学界 machine is 操作. 你会 在体外膜肺氧合时给你一些药物让你入睡.