
血管内动脉瘤 doesn’t wait; you shouldn’t either. 是否需要咨询, 诊断, 或治疗, we provide minimally invasive preventive methods like 血管内动脉瘤 Repair (EVAR) that can help prevent the aneurysm from getting ruptured and the subsequent fatal complications.

Endovascular surgery is the fastest-growing branch of vascular surgery which has evolved from the diagnostic techniques developed to examine aortic abnormalities and determine damage to the blood vessels. 比如动脉瘤. An aneurysm is a vascular condition characterized by the development of a bulge in the artery due to the weakening of the wall. 如果未经处理的, the bulge gets bigger putting the blood vessel at great risk for rupturing or bursting inside the chest or abdomen.

If you’ve been diagnosed with an aneurysm, your vascular specialist may advise you on the 血管内动脉瘤 Repair (EVAR) treatment. EVAR is a pioneering treatment that involves a graft (stent) to be inserted into the blood vessel through small incisions and placed inside the aneurysm in an attempt to prevent the vessel from bursting and causing life-threatening complications.

Aneurysm doesn’t usually present any signs and symptoms until it erupts, warranting an emergency treatment to save a life. While the early detection of the condition helps determine a preventive treatment plan, the recommendation for 血管内动脉瘤 Repair is considered the best course of action. The procedure requires minimal invasion and offers better recovery time than other surgical treatment options.

How is 血管内动脉瘤 Repair (EVAR) Performed:

The aorta is the main artery that transports oxygenated blood from the heart to all parts of the body. The blood in the arteries contains a certain pressure level just like air in a car tire, which can be measured by using blood pressure apparatus. When any damage or abnormality occurs in the aorta, it swells and restricts the normal blood flow; hence abnormal blood pressure builds up. Unless the damage in the aorta is fixed, the pressure inside it may cause it to rupture which can be fatal.

After thorough investigation and assessment through multiple screening tests such as CT scan and Echocardiogram etc by a multidisciplinary team of cardiac specialists and vascular experts, EVAR is indicated to a patient who is at high risk for open surgery on the aortic valve.

Endovascular treatment of this condition uses thin, flexible tubes called catheters that are inserted into the aneurysm through small incisions made in the skin via groin by using x-ray images. A special catheter employs an endovascular stent graft into the affected (swollen) area of the artery, allowing the blood to flow through it rather than the aneurysm. This altered blood flow results in decreasing pressure in the aneurysm and reducing the chance of rupturing.


When compared with the traditional open repair methods, the EVAR procedure offers several benefits, 如:

  • 减少全身麻醉时间
  • 减少失血
  • 痛苦的过程
  • 没有外伤
  • 短期住院
  • 快速恢复时间


The Cardiology Center at 迪拜美国医院 provides a premier cardiovascular care experience for patients, by working with leading cardiac and vascular specialists with expertise in performing Endovascular aneurysm repair and other cardiac surgeries to address a wide spectrum of heart conditions and disorders. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with cutting-edge technology while our cardiovascular staff is dedicated to serving patients with integrity and compassion.

If you seek an expert consultation or advice and require further information about EVAR in Dubai, we invite you to book an appointment online.

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