

癌变在结肠或大肠的内膜中癌细胞的生长, 或者直肠被称为结直肠癌. Colorectal is a grouping of cancers in the colon or the rectum because they have similar features.

异常细胞生长, 称为息肉, 发生于结肠或直肠, 尽管所有息肉都是恶性的, 随着时间的推移,他们中的许多人会癌变, 这取决于息肉的类型.

保护你的结肠健康. 利用我们的筛选套餐! 



三月是大肠癌宣传月, and 迪拜美国医院 is giving FIT kits to highlight the importance of screening for colorectal cancer in addition to a consultation with one of our primary care doctors.



The 粪便免疫化学试验(FIT) is a highly effective early screening test for colon cancer. FIT检测大便中不可见的血液, 大便带血是结肠癌的警告信号. 如果不及时意识到这一点,可能会延误治疗并增加并发症.



The colon (large intestine) and rectum are part of our digestive system or the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The colon comprises a significant portion of the large intestine, approximately 5 feet long. Its role is to process the partially digested food it receives from the small intestine, 把水和营养物分开, 然后把固体废物送到直肠, 在排便过程中,是什么将其储存并作为粪便通过肛门.


导致结直肠癌的因素有很多. The essential point to remember is research has not found decisive reasons for what causes cells in the colorectal region to turn cancerous. 尽管如此,仍有一些诱因促进结直肠癌的发展.


低纤维饮食: The colon's health heavily depends on solid waste moving regularly to the rectum and excreted. The colon's biodome remains healthy if the food waste is constantly on the move to be eliminated by the body. A diet lacking in fiber leads to constipation and stresses the colon's environment. 就像有不速之客不愿离开一样.

饱和脂肪、动物蛋白丰富的饮食: 这些饮食缺乏纤维,因此会影响结肠的清洁能力.

酒精和吸烟 刺激处理它们的器官组织,包括结肠. 结肠过度暴露于酒精, 尼古丁, 化学物质会导致压力细胞的行为, 会导致癌变.

缺乏体力活动: 缺乏锻炼、散步和保持活跃都会影响结肠健康. 如何? The reason is simple: 锻炼 stimulates the gut and promotes intestinal processes, 增加血液流向消化系统, 包括结肠和直肠吗. Remember, these two organs are our flushing systems, critical to keeping the body clean internally. 久坐不动的生活方式会使结肠迟钝,导致问题.

肥胖: Research indicates excessive visceral or abdominal fat contributes to the development of colon cancer.

炎症性肠病: Chronic gastrointestinal (GI) tract inflammation can trigger cancerous call behavior in the large intestine.

2型糖尿病: Studies show hyperinsulinemia or high insulin levels and free Insulin-like Growth Factors (IGF-1) in patients with 2型糖尿病 can encourage colon cells to multiply, 导致癌症. 研究表明,高水平的IGF-1通常是致癌的.

基因突变: Several cancer-related hereditary genetic mutations create a predisposition to colon cancer, such as Familial Adenomatous Polyposis and Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer). 然而,没有家族病史的人也可能患结肠癌.

息肉结肠或直肠的息肉: Most polyps or cell growths are not cancerous, but some can become cancerous with time. 对结直肠息肉进行常规筛查是必要的.


根据国际世界癌症研究基金会, 结直肠癌是全球第三大常见癌症. 它是男性中第三常见的癌症,女性中第二常见的癌症. 到2020年,这一数字超过了1.900万结直肠癌新病例.


The early stages of cancer do not lead to symptoms, but as the disease progresses,


  • 排便习惯的改变如果你的排便习惯发生了巨大的变化,就要警惕了.
  • 大便稠度改变如果有明显的持续变化,你必须咨询你的平台首页.
  • 便血.
  • 经常性腹部痉挛、胀气或疼痛.
  • 意外减肥.
  • 无故呕吐.


迪拜美国医院拥有最先进的设施, 包括先进的, 内部实验室诊断结直肠癌. 我们熟练的专家团队, 肿瘤学家和放射学专家努力提供最好的治疗, 最准确的诊断,效率和个性化的护理.


  • 结肠镜检查 一线诊断检测能发现结直肠癌吗. 内窥镜, 一种柔性管,一端装有微型照相机镜头和一盏灯, 是通过直肠插入检查结直肠区域癌变生长吗. A biopsy can be simultaneously done to remove a tissue sample from the suspected site for lab analysis.
  • 血液测试.
  • CT扫描/MRI/PET扫描这些影像学检查是为了检查癌症的进展情况.
  • 经直肠超声, 是用来判定直肠癌分期的吗.


一个发展方向, inter-departmental team leads 迪拜美国医院's treatment for colorectal cancer to provide the best treatment. We deliver comprehensive care with a thorough assessment and therapeutic options from our multidisciplinary team of doctors in surgery, 化疗, 放射治疗, 个性化医疗.


  • 结直肠癌的类型和分期.
  • 病人的健康状况和病史.
  • 平台首页的期望和偏好.


手术(早期癌症)): A colonoscopy is highly effective if the cancer is detected in the very initial stage. 癌组织和一小部分周围组织被切除.

腹腔镜手术这种微创手术可以去除结肠镜检查无法解决的息肉. Small incisions are made on the abdomen through which instruments with cameras help the surgeon remove the cancerous portions.

部分结肠切除术: 这种手术是在结直肠癌晚期进行的. The surgeon removes the portion of the colon affected by cancer and reconnects its two ends through laparoscopy. 假设癌变的结肠部分很大, and the ends cannot be reconnected; in that case, the surgeon makes an opening in the abdominal wall to help the stool eliminate into an external pouch covering the opening. It is called a colostomy, which may be temporary or permanent depending on the colon's healing.

放射治疗: 高能射线瞄准癌细胞,阻止或杀死它们的生长. 这种治疗可以在体外进行,也可以从体内进行, though external radiation is not usually given if the colon or rectum is highly damaged. Internal radiation sends a radioactive substance to the cancer cells through the bloodstream.

免疫疗法: The cancer patient's immune system fights the disease through advanced methods to attack the cancer cells that trick the immune system and evade detection.

靶向癌症治疗: 这种疗法使用阻碍癌细胞分子行为的药物, 阻止癌症生长.

Palliative care is a form of therapy that alleviates cancer pain and associated symptoms and seeks to comfort patients while they undergo treatments.


有几种方法可以改善结肠直肠健康. Lifestyle modifications and healthy dietary habits can significantly lower the risks of colorectal cancer.

  • 吃富含纤维的健康饮食: The colon and rectum are our cleaning agents; they help our body remain free of waste, 所以多吃富含纤维的食物来增加大便, 哪种方法可以帮助你的结肠和直肠更快地排出废物.
  • 水合物: Drinking at least 6-7 glasses of water daily keeps your system working well and prevents constipation. 它有助于废物顺利地通过结肠直肠区域并有规律地排出.
  • 锻炼积极的生活方式有助于给血液充氧,保持器官健康. A sluggish colon is a breeding ground for waste decomposition, inflammation, and illnesses. 锻炼有助于结肠做好它的工作,因为它的肌肉恢复活力和活跃. 还记得我们的长辈总是在早上散步来促进肠道蠕动吗?
  • 避免饮酒和吸烟.
  • 定期进行结直肠健康检查: 如果你有结直肠癌的家族史, get regular screenings after age 45 to check for unusual developments in the colon or rectum. Screenings are a tremendous precaution that helps spot trouble in the pre-cancerous stage.

