
迪拜美国医院 strives to enhance the quality of life of its patients through the treatment and improvement of gastroenterological diseases. Our expert physicians offer medical and surgical options for all types of gastroenterological conditions through innovative technology and excellent services.


胃肠病学 is a field of medicine that focuses on the function as well as the diseases of the digestive tracts and, 胆囊, 胰腺, 肝, 还有胆管.

Gastroenterologists have a full understanding of all the organs that fall under this category as well as the motility through the gastrointestinal tract that is needed for an individual to have a good and healthy digestive system required for nutrient absorption, 垃圾处理, 新陈代谢过程.

There are multiple conditions that could require you to visit a gastroenterologist that can normally include trouble swallowing, 胃灼热, 返流, 和腹泻. 这些情况可能是一个小问题,但如果不及时治疗,可能会导致严重的病例. A gastroenterologist is experienced in diagnosing and providing the correct treatment plan suited to your condition which is why you should immediately consult with a medical expert if you are facing any gastroenterology-related problems.


Minor gastroenterology disorders can at times occur if you have eaten that has not suited your stomach but often symptoms can be pointing towards much worse conditions. 胃肠道疾病可能会引起平台首页的关注. 常见的胃肠道疾病包括:

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Condition that causes abdominal pain and bloating caused by diarrhea or constipation
•慢性腹泻:持续性腹泻可持续4周或更长时间. 病人常排便松散或水样.
• Lactose Intolerance: This disorder occurs when a person is unable to digest lactose that is found in dairy products and milk.
•消化性溃疡疾病:发生在胃肠道内壁的溃疡. 这种情况会导致呕吐, 消化不良, 减肥, 食欲改变,大便带血
• Crohn’s Disease: This condition can cause inflammation of a part of the gastrointestinal tract. 通常是下小肠或大肠
• 溃疡性结肠炎: This is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the colon that can become inflamed and develop open sores. This can be a chronic condition that can cause abdominal pain, blood in stool, fever 和腹泻
•肝脏疾病:与肝脏有关的并发症,可引起黄疸, 呕吐, 恶心想吐, 食欲不振, 尿色深, 苍白的大便
• Pancreatic Disease: Acute and Chronic pancreatitis which is inflammation in the body of the 胰腺 and can lead to a lack of pancreatic enzymes called pancreatic exocrine insufficiency.
•胆囊疾病:胆结石会滑动并阻塞胆管,引起疼痛和黄疸. 胆囊息肉,需要监测
• Diverticulitis: This condition causes the inflammation or infection of one or more diverticula
•乳糜泻:一种自身免疫性疾病,会导致身体对麸质产生反应. 平台首页们还没有找到乳糜泻的确切原因, 但环境因素被认为是原因之一.
• 胃食管反流病(GERD): Consistent acid reflux that reaches the esophagus from the stomach. This condition can slowly damage the esophagus and can cause a person to have severe 胃灼热, 吞咽困难, 胸部疼痛, 还有其他症状.

任何胃肠疾病的症状都可能因平台首页而异. 需要注意的消化系统疾病的一些常见症状有:


Although certain minor conditions can be treated at home if you do see traces of blood in your vomit or stool, 你应该立即向医学专家咨询你的情况.


为了推断出病人患的是什么类型的胃肠病, doctors will likely perform blood tests as well as imaging tests such as ultrasounds or CT scans.

用于一些胃肠疾病, your doctor may advise you to change your diet as certain foods can be factors that are aggravating your condition. 适合乳糖不耐症平台首页, doctors will advise cutting out dairy products that contain lactose which the patients’ stomach cannot handle. 一些疾病也建议改变生活方式, such as 肝 disease that requires patients to avoid or reduce their intake of alcohol which can be a common factor to ailments related to the 肝.

Every condition is treated in a way that is suitable for the patient and will provide the best results. Some other disorders can also be treated with over-the-counter medication such as diarrhea or constipation but if your condition is far worse and cannot be healed through medicine alone, your gastroenterologist may recommend surgery that can include bowel resection or needle drainage.


Our compassionate team of specialists provides outstanding care for patients suffering from all types of digestive diseases. 练习最先进的程序和技术, our dedicated gastroenterologists collaborate to provide the following clinical gastrointestinal (GI) services:

•炎症性肠病中心, 在克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎治疗方面有专长, 多模式治疗, 以及用生物制剂/TNF抗体治疗
•食物过敏营养医学中心, 不耐症, 肥胖, 以及慢性疾病的肠内营养
•上消化道内镜/胃和十二指肠(诊断性) & 治疗)
•结肠镜检查(诊断 & 治疗)
•内镜超声- UGI, HPB和直肠EUS,干预措施包括欧盟FNA)/FNB和膀胱胃造口术

在迪拜美国医院, we have specialists who can find the cause of your symptoms and provide treatment options based on your specific condition and personal requirements.


如果你有任何肠胃疾病, 你必须马上去做详细的检查. 虽然某些消化系统疾病和胃肠道疾病可以在家里治疗, but if a proper diagnosis from an expert physician is not conducted then your condition may worsen over time. There can be multiple reasons behind gastroenterological disorders which can be due to genetics or even poor lifestyle choices which is why it is important to get to the root cause of it. 在美国医院, we have some of the best gastroenterologists Dubai has to offer and our leading medical practitioners strive to give their patients the best treatments possible.

如果你想预约肠胃科平台首页, 您可以使用我们网站上提供的表格进行申请. Our doctors specialize in treating a wide spectrum of diseases related to gastroenterology and we can guarantee that if you decide to choose an American hospital, you will be provided with the best healthcare services that are suited to your requirements by our expert gastroenterologists in Dubai.


  1. 消化系统疾病的诊断和治疗
  2. 炎症性肠病中心, 在克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎治疗方面有专长, 多模式治疗, 以及用生物制剂/TNF抗体治疗
  3. 所有肝脏疾病的诊断和管理,包括乙型和丙型肝炎
  4. 食物过敏的营养医学中心, 不耐症, 肥胖, 以及慢性疾病的肠内营养
  5. 上消化道内镜/胃和十二指肠(诊断性) & 治疗)
  6. 结肠镜检查(诊断 & 治疗)
  7. 肠镜检查(小肠内窥镜检查)
  8. 用于持续肠内喂养的PEG管,鼻胃管和十二指肠管
  9. 小肠胶囊内窥镜检查
  10. 内镜超声检查
  11. 尿素呼吸试验:幽门螺杆菌
  12. 欧盟FNA)
  13. 癌症的分期
  14. 干预措施
  15. 内镜逆行胰胆管造影
  16. 单气囊肠镜检查
  17. 支架

我们的胃病平台首页有经验, 有资格和能力识别和治疗所有与胃有关的问题.


