
口腔颌面外科 deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a number of functional, 审美条件, 骨头, 皮肤, 和面部肌肉, 口, 和下颌.  它可以被描述为医学和牙科之间的桥梁. 因此, a range of oral and maxillofacial surgical operations are carried out on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia in the dental chair; however, 有些可能需要短时间的全身麻醉作为一天的病例程序. More major maxillofacial surgeries are carried out on an inpatient basis under general anesthesia.

由于专业的性质, oral and maxillofacial surgeons often work alongside a variety of specialists in other fields such as ENT surgeons, 临床肿瘤学家, 整形外科平台首页, 牙齿矫正医师, 恢复牙医, 放射科平台首页和神经外科平台首页.

The scope of the specialty is extensive and includes but not limited to:

An Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (often called OMS) is a dental specialist who’s trained to perform surgeries that correct problems with the head, 脖子, 口, 下巴, 和脸. 它们可以治疗颌骨错位等问题, 阻生智齿, 唇裂或腭裂, 还有肿瘤和颌骨囊肿等等, 并能进行口腔重建手术, 植牙手术, 还有整容手术. OMS还要接受麻醉和疼痛控制方面的培训.

Maxillofacial pain is common which originates from a specific area of the 脸. 这有几个原因, 比如:头痛, 受伤, 神经条件, 颌骨和牙齿问题, 以及口腔感染. It can be differentiated into the following types, depending on the origin of pain:

  • 牙痛,由牙齿和牙龈的问题引起
  • 神经痛:由影响面部神经的疾病或损伤引起的神经痛
  • 颞下颌关节疼痛,由颞下颌关节和下颌肌肉问题引起
  • 血管疼痛,由血管和血流问题引起

颌面外科平台首页可以治疗各种各样的疾病, 受伤 and defects affecting the functional and aesthetical aspects of 口腔, 脸, 头部和颈部. 这些条件可能包括:

  • 阻生智齿
  • 牙齿及骨质流失
  • 错位的下巴
  • 面部创伤/受伤
  • 唇裂/口感
  • 睡眠呼吸暂停
  • 颞下颌关节(TMJ)紊乱
  • 颌骨和口腔的肿瘤和囊肿
  • 下颌先天性缺陷

 In addition, they can treat cancers and problems with salivary glands, sinuses, throat, and larynx.

Time required for oral surgery to be completed is determined by number of teeth required to be extracted. 一颗牙齿大约需要20 - 40分钟, 而拔多颗牙则需要10 - 15分钟.

It takes roughly 1-2 weeks for a tooth extraction area to completely heal.

不是真正的, as your OMS will numb the area by applying a numbing substance and administering a local anesthesia. You’ll only feel a slight pinch when the local anesthesia is injected near the site of the tooth extraction.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the surgical specialty of dentistry which focuses on correcting functional and aesthetic problems of the oral and maxillofacial region, 包括脸, 口腔, 头部和颈部, 口, 和下颌.

是的, Jaw surgery or Orthognathic surgery is a part of Craniofacial and Plastic surgery that is performed to realign the position of teeth and improve the appearance of a 脸 by readjusting the bones of the upper or lower 下巴.


  • 在牙龈上做一个切口以进入颌骨
  • 切开下颚的骨头,让它移动和重新排列
  • Placing plates or screws to anchor the adjusted bone in its new position
  • 缝合治疗区域以闭合切口

There are different types of orthognathic surgeries based on the severity of misalignment and positioning of a 下巴. 这些包括:

  • 上颌截骨术矫正上颌问题
  • 下颌截骨术治疗下颌病变
  • Genioplasty for restructuring chin by addressing issues in the lower 下巴
  • Arthroplasty or arthrocentesis to treat temporomandibular joint dysfunction disorders (TMJ or TMD)

Please check with your insurance provider to confirm details on the financial coverage before scheduling your 下巴 surgery.

下颌手术通常是安全的. However, as with any other surgical intervention, it may have some risks. 这些可能包括:

  • 麻醉反应
  • 大出血
  • 颚神经的损伤
  • 治疗部位感染
  • 颌骨骨折
  • 手术后咬合或对齐问题
  • 新的颞下颌关节疼痛

Jaw surgery is meant to readjust or realign the 下巴 to correct or treat various problems caused by misaligned 下巴. 这种特殊的手术被称为“正颌手术”, and is performed by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons along with an Orthodontist. 下颌手术可以帮助你:

  • 调整咬合力
  • 纠正和改善咬、咀嚼或吞咽
  • 防止牙齿进一步恶化
  • 纠正影响面部对称性的异常
  • 帮助缓解颞下颌关节紊乱引起的疼痛
  • 修复的修复损伤或先天性疾病,如腭裂的
  • 解决呼吸问题,包括阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停

颌骨手术的费用各不相同, 它取决于各种因素, 包括:外科平台首页的费用, 程序类型, 设备费用, 麻醉费, 诊断测试, 以及处方药物.

Although most people stay in the hospital for a day or two only after their 下巴 surgery, 恢复和愈合需要长达12周的时间.

You can schedule your appointment with an Orthodontist or Oral and Maxillofacial Specialist at 迪拜美国医院 by submitting our secure web form, 出现下面的.

A great majority of wisdom teeth are impacted and most of them will need removal as a result of existing pathologies or dental referrals. Impacted canine teeth are either removed or surgically exposed as a surgical aid to orthodontics.

Jaw cysts are commonly associated with an impacted tooth or as a result of an untreated periapical infection. Other forms of 下巴 cysts exist and can be associated with other pathologies. 下颌肿瘤比较罕见,可以起源于牙齿或其他组织.

Implant surgery; involve the insertion of dental implants to retain facial or dental prostheses. 这可能需要上颌窦膜提升, and/or grafting of the site largely with an autogenous bone harvested from other bones inside or outside the 口.

Displaced fractures are reduced and plated to prevent discrepancy to the bite and to restore facial contour

This is a broad term to describe a wide range of conditions that can be manifested with 下巴 joint pain, 点击连接, 锁着的下巴, 耳痛, 或者面部疼痛.

Involves the diagnosis and management of medical conditions presenting in the 口 和下颌, 包括溃疡和脸颊肿块, 舌头或口腔的其他部位.

Deals with the correction of congenital or acquired facial deformity primarily to improve oro-facial function, but also often to overcome facial disfigurement and restore quality of life.

早期发现和及时治疗可以治愈口腔癌. Maxillofacial oncologists deal with the resection and functional reconstruction of malignant tumors of the 头部和颈部.

The salivary glands produce saliva into the 口腔 and they can be affected with a various conditions including benign or malignant tumors, 口干, 感染, 或者是石头的形成.


