

If you have severe pain in your ear or there is drainage of fluid from your ear, 你的耳朵可能感染了. 耳朵感染, 有时称为急性中耳炎, 是中耳感染吗, the part of the ear behind the eardrum that contains tiny vibrating bones. It is more likely to occur in children as compared to adults.


Children often complain of pain in their ears. There are two common conditions that may affect children’s ears; acute otitis media (AOM) and Otitis media with effusion (OME). AOM occurs when the area behind the eardrum gets infected, 引起耳痛, 发热, 易怒, 腹泻, 失眠, 头痛和颈部疼痛. The condition leads to following behaviours at different stages of childhood: infants presents bouts of fussiness and intense crying; toddlers keep clutching the ear while wincing in pain; and older kids complain of a severe pain in the ear. AOM is usually treated with antibiotics, while its dosage varies by child’s age and severity of the condition. 另一方面, otitis media with effusion (OME) is characterised by collection of a thick or sticky non-infected fluid caused by cold, sore throat or upper respiratory infection.
平台首页 have identified multiple factors that can put children at risk for OME, 例如:过敏, 呼吸道感染, 刺激物, 或者躺着喝酒. 在大多数情况下, children with OME do not feel any symptoms or fall sick, 但在某些情况下, they experience mild symptoms like hearing issues. The condition often clears up on its own, but if it persists then it will require doctor’s intervention for the draining of fluid from behind the ears.


When the Eustachian tubes become obstructed, fluid builds up in your middle ear that causes an ear infection. Eustachian tubes are small tubes that join the back of the throat to each ear.

The eustachian tube may be congested due to the following factors:

• Diseased or enlarged adenoids (tissues near tonsils for trapping bacteria and viruses)


Ear infections affect children and adults differently and appear with a range of symptoms. Symptoms appear as soon as an infection develops, and may include:


• Earache, especially when lying down
• Hearing or responding to the sounds becoming a problem




平台首页 diagnose an ear infection based on the symptoms. Typically, a light instrument (an otoscope) is used to look at the ear, nose, and nasal passage. The examination by otoscope may reveal:

• Redness, air bubbles, or pus-like fluid in the middle ear
• The health of an eardrum if or not it has collapse or has any bulges

如果你的感染已经到了晚期, a doctor may have your computed tomography (CT) scan of your head to assess the spread of the disease. You might also be advised on a hearing test, if you have a chronic ear infection.


Generally, pain management and monitoring is the first step to treat an ear infection. Most of the times, the less intense cases of ear infections settle on their own. However, the persistent or intense condition requires antibiotics for relief. 对某些人来说, 多发耳部感染很常见, which can lead to hearing loss as well as other serious complications, 如果治疗不当. With the presence of symptoms listed here, it’s advisable to consult an ENT Specialist who will help determine a treatment plan for the pain relief and prevention of any possible complications.


在迪拜美国医院, our ENT Specialists can help you manage common and complex ear diseases (including pain and infection). Schedule an appointment with our experienced ENT Consultant by using our secure web form, if you seek an expert medical advice for your ear pain or infection.
