
如果老化, 严厉的清洁剂, 过度暴晒, 污染已经减少了自然的光芒, 坚定, and years from your skin - BBL treatment comes to your rescue. Our skincare experts carefully perform a revolutionary Broadband Light procedure for the treatment of age spots to sun damage, allowing you to experience a better version of you!

BroadBand Light (BBL) is an advanced generation of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy that sends light energy deep into the skin to deliver exceptional results i.e. reduced appearance of aging signs and restoration of a more youthful complexion. The treatment can be helpful for clearing up acne, 平滑肤色和纹理, 控制色素沉着, minimizing the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles, 减少老年斑的可见性, 黑点, 或雀斑, 收紧皮肤, and even preventing excess hair growth for clearer-looking skin.

几乎没有恢复时间, BBL offers a safe and quick option for sun damage, 抗衰老, 皮肤嫩肤. Our highly experienced skin care professionals provide a range of custom-made BBL treatments to help clients/patients rejuvenate their looks and achieve their unique aesthetic goals.


  • 纠正太阳伤害的可见效果
  • 延缓皮肤老化
  • 保持皮肤改善

Corrective BBL 治疗: Those struggling with symptoms of sun damage and aging such as age spots, 雀斑, 干燥和韧性, 还有脸上的变色, 脖子, 胸部, 回来, and hands should consider corrective BBL - a highly effective BBL procedure that helps restore skin to its previous form and boosts rejuvenation and revitalization as well.

Forever Young BBL 治疗: A study suggests that Forever Young BBL treatments induce changes in genes and stimulates changes at the molecular level that promote and maintain the appearance of healthy and youthful skin despite aging rather than mimic the appearance of it.


BBL是一种安全、通用的技术, it can effectively be used for the treatment of a broad range of skin conditions, both separately or in conjunction with other skin-rejuvenation procedures to achieve synergistic effects. 在迪拜美国医院, our skincare experts harness the potential of BBL to treat the following conditions:

  • 晒斑、老年斑、黑斑和胎记
  • 粗糙的皮肤纹理和变色
  • 红肿、蜘蛛静脉和血管病变
  • 酒渣鼻和痤疮疤痕
  • 多余的头发
  • 色素沉着过度

在ADH的初次会诊期间, your Dermatologist will conduct a complete assessment of your skin by using multi-spectral imaging technology. This assessment will help determine a custom-tailored treatment plan in order to effectively address your unique needs, 首选项, 治疗目标.

Once you and your Dermatologist have agreed to perform BBL 治疗, you will be advised to refrain from excess sun exposure, 避免使用晒黑床或喷雾, and apply a topical skin lightener before the initiation of treatment, 使治疗效果最大化. BBL offers fast recovery and no downtime that allows patients or clients to regain control of their daily activities immediately after treatment.

If you are looking to improve the appearance of your skin or would like to know more about BBL treatment in Dubai, request an appointment for a BBL consultation with our Dermatologist using our secure online form right away.

The duration required to perform a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure depends on several factors such as the kinds of operations that will be carried out and the needs of the individual patients. You should consult with our experienced BBL doctor at the 迪拜美国医院 who can help you understand your specific goals and expectations. You can also locate reliable "BBL doctors near me as we have multiple branches."

The price for a BBL surgical procedure in Dubai may differ depending on different factors. Contact the 迪拜美国医院 at  +97143775500 to get more information on BBL cost and the overall procedure.

Brazilian butt lift (BBL) primarily focuses on enhancing buttock shape and volume rather than directly addressing signs of aging. To learn more about how BBL benefits you and what kind would work best for someone wanting a BBL procedure near me contact the 迪拜美国医院 at +97143775500.

The aim of the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure is not specifically to remove 黑点 on one’s skin. 其他方法如激光治疗, 化学换肤, or topical products for skincare that contain ingredients like hydroquinone or retinoids may be more suitable if you want to target 黑点 or hyperpigmentation for better benefits of BBL.

A BBL procedure is a cosmetic non-surgery treatment using BroadBand Light technology to treat various skin concerns. The BBL surgical procedure works by correcting pigment irregularities such as sunspots, and liver spots and reducing redness and vascular lesions like broken capillaries.

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