
Ms. 蒂娜阿里 is an 奥地利n and German board-certified licensed 临床心理学家 and Psychological Psychotherapist with focus on cognitive behavioral psychotherapy with extensive working experience in 奥地利 and 德国. She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology at the world-renowned Sigmund-Freud-University in Vienna, 奥地利. Her 4-year-long advanced training in practical cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy she then successfully completed in Hamburg, 德国. She has over 7 years of practical experience working both in a clinic as well as a private practice in Hamburg, 德国, and 此外 has worked as a lecturer at the University Medical School Hamburg, 德国. Due to her work experience in both a hospital with in-patient as well as out-patient care and at a private practice, Ms. Aly has extensive experience in treating all mental disorders (such as depression, 压力, 焦虑, 恐慌障碍, 创伤, 双相情感障碍, 人格障碍, 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症谱系障碍, 倦怠, 以及创伤后应激障碍). Ms. Aly specializes in therapy in both an individual and group setting and, 此外, offers therapy for families and children. As an Egyptian-German citizen, she feels equally at home in the Arabic culture as in the Western culture and knows of the importance of intercultural awareness as well as the specific challenges that interculturality can present, especially in a psychotherapeutic setting, and is well versed in treating patients with these aspects in mind.

Spoken Languages : 阿拉伯语,英语,德语
Types of Physician : 全职
DHA License : 临床心理学家 and Psychological Psychotherapist
分支机构 : 迪拜美国医院


  • 理学士(理学学士.Sc), Sigmund Freud University Vienna, 奥地利
  • 理学硕士(M.Sc), Sigmund Freud University Vienna, 奥地利
  • Psychological Psychotherapist (CBT), Institute for Behavioral Therapy Hamburg, 德国


  • 德国心理学会


  • 临床心理学家 and Psychological Psychotherapist, Rickling Psychiatric Hospital, 德国
  • 临床心理学家 and Psychological Psychotherapist, Practice for Psychotherapy, 德国
  • Lecturer at the University Medical School Hamburg, 德国

临床专业知识 & 提供的服务:

  • 个人的治疗
  • 团体治疗
  • 游戏治疗
  • 家庭治疗
  • 焦虑 & 恐慌障碍
  • 压力,创伤
  • 注意力缺陷多动症
  • 自闭症谱系障碍抑郁
  • 双相
  • 适应障碍
  • 人格障碍
  • 失去和悲伤
  • 自尊的困难
  • 燃尽,然后
  • 创伤后应激障碍