

如果你有肌瘤需要治疗, let our gynecologists develop the best treatment plan that can help relieve your symptoms.

子宫肌瘤 are lumps that grow on the wall of the uterus of women. Also called as leiomyomas, they are non-cancerous in nature and rarely ever grow cancerous. Fibroids come in different sizes; they can be small enough to be undetected by the naked eye or large enough to significantly alter the shape of the uterus. They can also either grow as a singular tumour or just come out in a bundle of multiple lumps.

子宫肌瘤在女性中极为常见, 尤其是那些超重的, 没有孩子, 有肌瘤家族史吗, 等.


A lot of fibroids go unnoticed since they are extremely small in size and they do not even exhibit any symptoms. 它们通常也不需要任何治疗. The large fibroids, however, can cause multiple symptoms. 下面列出了其中的几个:



子宫肌瘤 can grow in different locations both inside and outside the uterus. Based on the location and the size of the fibroid, they can be divided into different types. 这些包括:

• Submucosal fibroids: When a fibroid grows inside the uterine space where a baby develops whilst pregnancy.
• Intramural fibroids: When a fibroid develops while being engrained inside the uterus wall.
• Subserosal fibroids: When a fibroid grows outside the uterus wall but is closely connected to the wall in the form of lumps.
• Pedunculated fibroids: When a fibroid grows outside the uterus wall but is connected to the wall with a thin stem. 这也是所有类型中最不常见的.


Although the exact reasons behind the formation of fibroids are unknown, the researchers believe there is a strong linkage between fibroids and the following:

• Genes: The genetic coding of fibroids differ from that of the other uterus cells


子宫肌瘤, 在大多数情况下, are discovered by the gynecologist as they notice distortions in the shape of the uterus while performing a routine pelvic examination. To further confirm their presence and to also determine the exact type of fibroids, 你的妇科平台首页可能会要求你做这些检查:

• Ultrasound: Usage of sound waves to obtain a picture of the internal organs. 这将确保肌瘤是否存在.
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Usage of magnets and radio waves to obtain a picture of the internal organs. This image is a much better quality than the one obtained from Ultrasound.
• Computed Tomography (CT) scan: Usage of X-rays to obtain a picture of the internal organs from multiple angles.
• Hysteroscopy: A procedure where a device with a camera (called the scope) is passed through the patient’s vagina to the uterus to examine it for fibroids.
• Laparoscopy: A procedure where a small cut is made in the lower abdomen and a camera is inserted near the uterus to examine it for fibroids.


Gynecologists offer a great 数量 of treatment options for uterine fibroids, 取决于大小, 数量, 以及肌瘤的位置. For small fibroids, little to no symptoms occur so they are mostly best left untreated.

For the larger fibroids, the condition is first properly examined and monitored. 在那之后, one or more of the following medications may be recommended to help with various symptoms and to diminish the 数量/size of the fibroids themselves:

• Oriahnn: An oral medication to control heavy bleeding during menses
• Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists: puts one in a temporary menopause
• A progestin-releasing intrauterine device: is inserted in the uterus to help control bleeding during menses
• Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE): a minimally invasive surgery to treat fibroid tumors of the uterus using a real-time x-ray called fluoroscopy that helps deliver embolic agents to the affected area. These agents block the arteries from transporting blood to the fibroids, 并导致它们最终缩小.
• Uterine Fibroid Ablation: involves radiofrequency energy to destroy uterine fibroids by shrinking the blood vessels and blocking the supply of blood to the fibroids.
• Cryomyolysis: is similar to UFA but it destroys fibroids by freezing them.


病人s seeking to get their symptoms evaluated for 子宫肌瘤 or looking for safe and effective Uterine Fibroid 治疗 in Dubai should schedule an appointment with our Gynaecologists at 迪拜美国医院 by using our secure web form.

