Managing HBP during fasting

Managing HBP during fasting

High blood pressure (HBP) raises your risk for heart attack, 中风, 还有肾脏疾病, or other health problems. So, seek a doctor’s advice on dietary management.

People with HBP have systolic (top number) of 130 or above and/or diastolic (bottom number) of 80 or over. High salt, obesity, older age, and other medical conditions may aggravate the condition.

​During Ramadan, keep yourself hydrated with water. Eat green salads, watermelon, whole grains, fresh vegetables. 避免精制糖, foods high on salt or fat, and consider to quit smoking and stimulants like coffee.

Consult the doctor via our telehealth service when BP is uncontrolled with medications. See your physician urgently when BP is >160/110 or above with severe headache, 胸部疼痛, 或者尿中带血.



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