

低血糖症发生时,血糖(葡萄糖), 身体的主要能量来源)水平比平时低. Generally, 这种情况是由糖尿病治疗引起的, but some drugs and various other conditions can also cause low blood sugar in people that don't have diabetes.

Hypoglycemia requires prompt treatment as blood sugar levels are low. People with a fasting blood sugar of 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or below, or 3.9 millimoles per liter (mmol/L), may risk at risk of hypoglycemia. 请向平台首页咨询.

Treatment usually requires getting the blood sugar to normal levels with high-sugar foods or drinks, or medications. Long-term treatment may require recognising and treating the reason for hypoglycemia.

Understand the symptoms

当血糖水平很低的时候, 身体可能会经历不规则或快速的心跳, pale skin, shakiness, fatigue, anxiety, hunger, irritability, 出汗,嘴唇刺痛或麻木, tongue or cheek.

低血糖加重时, 症状包括视觉障碍, such as blurred vision, seizures, 失去意识,神志不清, 异常行为或两者皆有, 比如无法完成日常任务.

Consult the doctor

Get doctor's help if you witness hypoglycemia symptoms but don't have diabetes. 或者当你有糖尿病的时候, drinking juice, regular soft drinks, eating candy, or taking glucose tablets doesn't help treat your hypoglycemia condition. If the symptoms of hypoglycemia get severe or the person loses consciousness, 紧急情况下送他去医院.

Know the causes

Hypoglycemia happens due to falling of the blood sugar (glucose) levels below normal levels. There are several reasons why blood sugar levels get too low, mainly due to a side effect of drugs used as a remedy for diabetes.

Blood sugar regulation

When you eat, 身体会从大米等食物中分解碳水化合物, pasta, bread, vegetables, 水果和奶制品转化成不同的糖分子, 包括葡萄糖——身体的主要能量来源. Glucose enters most tissues' cells with the help of insulin — a hormone secreted by the pancreas, 是什么给细胞提供燃料. Any extra glucose is collected in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen.

当身体几个小时不进食时, 血糖水平下降, then another hormone from the pancreas signals the liver to break down the saved glycogen and release glucose into the bloodstream. It manages the blood sugar to be normal until the body gets food again.

The body can make glucose; the process happens mainly in the liver and kidneys.

People with diabetes

当身体有糖尿病时, it may not be making enough insulin (type 1 diabetes) or is less responsive to it (type 2 diabetes). This results in glucose piling up in the bloodstream that may reach seriously high levels. It will then require insulin or other drugs to lower blood sugar levels.

However, taking more insulin or other diabetes medications result in blood sugar levels dropping too low, inducing hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia may also happen when you eat less than usual while taking diabetes medication or do excessive workouts.

People without diabetes

People without diabetes may experience hypoglycemia because of taking someone else's oral diabetes medication accidentally, 过量饮酒而不吃东西, or due to some other critical kidney or liver diseases like hepatitis or cirrhosis. Even eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or hormone deficiencies that regulate glucose production may be the cause. Insulin overproduction, 由于胰腺肿瘤(胰岛素瘤)在罕见的情况下, can cause this condition.
Hypoglycemia after meals

虽然低血糖通常发生在你没吃东西的时候, it sometimes occurs after some high in sugar meals because the body produces extra insulin than you need. This kind of hypoglycemia, called reactive hypoglycemia or postprandial hypoglycemia. It usually occurs to people that may have undergone stomach bypass surgery.

Associated complexities

When hypoglycemia is untreated, it can lead to seizure, loss of consciousness, death. 低血糖也可能导致跌倒, injuries, dizziness and weakness, motor vehicle accidents, 老年人患痴呆症的风险更大.


The repeated episodes of hypoglycemia, over time, may lead to hypoglycemia unawareness. That is, the body and brain no longer produce signs that warn of the occurrence of low blood sugar, 比如颤抖或心跳不规则. This may get critical and life-threatening if hypoglycemia increases.

For diabetic people experiencing recurring episodes of hypoglycemia and hypoglycemia unawareness, 平台首页通常会修改治疗方案., The patient will be advised to raise the blood sugar level goals and get blood glucose awareness training.

Undertreated diabetes

When diabetes is not treated, the episodes of low blood sugar can be uncomfortable and frightening. Fear of hypoglycemia may result in you taking insufficient insulin that can lead to uncontrolled diabetes. 向你的平台首页咨询你的担忧, and only change the medication dose as per the doctor's advice.

Measures for prevention

For those with diabetes, a diabetes management plan set with the help of your doctor will help. 在服用任何新药之前,一定要和平台首页谈谈, 调整你的饮食或用药时间表, or adding new exercise as any change may affect your diabetes management and risk low blood sugar. Always carry a fast-acting carbohydrate like juice or glucose tablets that can help treat a falling blood sugar level before it falls dangerously low.

Use a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for people with hypoglycemia unawareness, 将血糖读数发送到接收器. When the blood sugar levels fall too low, some CGM systems even alert you with an alarm. Even insulin pumps are integrated with some CGMs that can shut off insulin delivery when blood sugar levels drop too quickly to help prevent hypoglycemia.

For those who don't have diabetes but face recurring episodes of hypoglycemia, eating frequent small meals throughout the day is a temporary measure to limit your blood sugar levels from getting too low. However, you must ask your doctor to identify and treat the cause of hypoglycemia.

Patient Experience


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