高血压 and Pregnancy: AHD Exemplary 治疗 Approach - 病人 case study

高血压 and Pregnancy: AHD Exemplary 治疗 Approach - 病人 case study


NA, 27岁女性, presented at 迪拜美国医院 with a headache and high blood pressure a week after her delivery. She was found to have sudden and new kidney failure with a significant drop in her platelet count.  

There were critical factors that required urgent and accurate diagnosis. Post-partum complications involving hypertension, 血小板计数下降, and new kidney failure can be caused by various issues. What was causing NA's condition so soon after delivery? 

It was imperative to diagnose her state quickly and accurately. 


NA被送往迪拜美国医院, and our Nephrology team swung into action along with other specialists. 在进行几次测试之后, our nephrologists ruled out other causes for JA's blood pressure, 血小板计数下降, and new kidney failure to arrive at the suspicion of a rare and devastating disorder called atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (aHUS). aHUS can be triggered by pregnancy, and they concluded it was the most likely case. 

It is important to note that aHUS is different from HUS (Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome), caused by E. coli-producing toxins that are usually food-borne. 

aHUS causes tiny blood clots to form in the body's small blood vessels, 阻塞血液流向重要器官的, 包括肾脏, 导致突发性肾衰竭. It leads to a group of disorders called thrombotic microangiopathies characterized by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (red blood cell destruction in the micro blood vessels), thrombocytopenia (deficiency of platelets in the blood) and uremia (inability of the kidneys to process waste products from the blood to be carried out by urine).  

These life-threatening conditions explain NA's sudden drop in platelet count and new kidney failure requiring urgent management. 


The significant challenge to diagnosing aHUS is its symptoms overlap with many similar disease processes, thus posing a challenge to clinicians and potentially delaying the start of treatment. 

It is critical to arrive at the correct diagnosis quickly.

The patient and family were deeply anxious about the potential complications as the patient was completely healthy before the present condition. 然而, the 迪拜美国医院 team of specialists and experts showed exemplary expertise and early recognition of this disorder to ensure NA's treatment pathway was cleared for success straightaway. 这个诊断是一个突破. 


NA的治疗开始于Eculizumab. It is well-established that after the aHUS diagnosis, early administration of Eculizumab ensures highly favorable outcomes, and NA showed a dramatic improvement in blood pressure and kidney function after her treatment plan was begun. 因为疾病的严重性, she was close to starting dialysis to keep her kidney functions going; however, thanks to our nephrologists' timely diagnosis and treatment with the correct medication, we prevented her from reaching the dialysis stage.  


This case highlights the urgency and expertise required to diagnose and treat a devastating systemic disease triggered by a normal physiological phenomenon. NA在怀孕前和怀孕期间均健康, so it was devastating for her and her family to undergo this experience of developing severe hypertension and kidney failure right after the joyous moment of delivery.  

The dramatic improvement in her condition was a life-changing experience for NA. 她做得很好, and we will closely follow her condition to lower the risk of blood pressure or kidney issues in future pregnancies because she is at increased risk. 

迪拜美国医院's timely and accurate diagnosis, based on its exemplary expertise and experience in complex conditions, helped NA get the highest level of care and ensure her speedy journey back to health. 


aHUS is a complex disorder that calls for accurate diagnosis and treatment at the earliest. 如果误诊或延误治疗, 它会导致不可逆转的肾衰竭, so precise and rapid intervention through the correct treatment is crucial for optimal management. 做出诊断需要经验, 技能和专业知识, and 迪拜美国医院 has once again set a precedent for providing highly effective and exemplary care for complex conditions. 

Mohamad Nour Alhosaini

Mohamad Nour Alhosaini

Director of Nephrology / 高血压 Specialist

