

‘Excellence is the unlimited ability to improve the quality of what you have to offer.里克·皮蒂诺.

In 2020, 迪拜美国医院 launched its robotic surgery facility with the 4th 一代达芬奇机器人系统. 出于几个原因,这是一个里程碑式的时刻. We were the first facility in the region to have this device, which helped us enter the transformative world of robotic surgery. Striding into the new arena in healthcare helped us acquire the invaluable assets of robotic surgery - heightened surgical awareness 和 the operating surgeon’s migratory presence.

正如机器人手术的发展所表明的那样, these advantages are fundamental to its ability to transcend conventional surgical outcomes. The invaluable gift of robotic 和 computer-aided surgery is to help a surgeon visually migrate to the field of operation with a degree of intimacy beyond traditional sight 和 scope.

It makes robotic or robot-assisted surgery a man-和-machine partnership guided by altruistic motives that crosses a new threshold into improved patient-centric care.

Can a healthcare provider remain an outsider to this privilege? 这应该是一种选择吗? No.

Entering the robot surgery era gave us new impetus, promoting our passion to serve humanity better.

今天, people have a more nuanced underst和ing of robotic surgery’s capabilities; we also know that from the initial ambivalence that greeted its debut in the 1960s, its efficacy 和 relevance are increasingly being welcomed, 称赞, 并被平台首页接受, pushing the surgical robots’ market to touch the $5.2 billion mark in 2021 和 expected to touch $22.到2030年达到80亿.

60岁以上,000 surgeons worldwide have been trained in the da Vinci robotic system, 和 it feels good to say 迪拜美国医院’s surgeons are among these skilled assets to the healthcare industry.

Our Center of Excellence in Robotic Surgery (COERS), the first private healthcare facility in the region to earn accreditation from the US-based Surgical Review Corporation (SRC), 是新外科时代不可或缺的一部分吗. Our Centre’s vision 和 mission share this core value: 构建维持 an ongoing improvement culture to enable people to benefit from the best healthcare.


The earlier notions of robotic surgery’s relevance, efficacy 和 impact briefly flirted with the skeptical, 但是这个阶段已经结束了. Robotic surgery is well past adolescence 和 has entered adulthood as it amplifies 和 aids surgeons’ skills for enhanced visualization, 精度, 控制, 灵巧, 和结果.

这个意图是一个不容错过的机会, 一种催化剂, 和 a guide to new healthcare frontiers to manifest our patient-care values better.

Robotic surgery helps us put our money where our mouth is.

When we launched our Center of Excellence in Robotic Surgery (COERS), our objectives 和 the path ahead were clear: it would be a journey of destinations.

每一次手术都是一个目的地, 和 every destination was in sight because we ensured we invested in the means to get there. 我们收购了ROSA®膝关节系统, Versuis®机器人手术系统, 和 the Mazor X Stealth™ Edition Robotic Guidance System, the next-generation robotic guidance system for spinal surgeries that offers exceptional pre-operative or intra-operative planning 和 implementation.

We were the first to bring all these to the Middle East, 我们的/ 1,000 robotic surgeries bear testimony to our successful navigation. 

希腊有个很棒的概念叫阿雷特. It signifies the highest human ability 和 the pursuit of the best one can be. 它是一种燃料,一种加速器,一种推动者. 你可以说它是卓越的同义词. With a firm h和, it pushes you to go the extra mile 和 seek your purpose beyond the here 和 now.

When we looked at the ability of robotic surgery to lead us to new shores of possibilities, we saw the next milestone to head for 和 partnered with CMR Surgicals 和 UAE-based Robotics Surgical Systems (RSS) to establish a training center for Versius® in Dubai.

成立于2021年7月, it is the region's first robotic surgery training hub 和 educational academy in the MEA region, providing surgeons with h和s-on experience with Versius®. It also offers fellowship programs to speed up the region’s adoption of this technology.

We are committed to bringing next-generation skills to the region’s surgeons. The training hub 和 academy on the hospital’s premises will offer courses in all Robotic Minimal Access Surgery (RMAS) areas. The internationally recognized program will train surgeons, 手术助手, 护士, 以及各种专业的协调员. 我们已经有了最多的候选人.

超出预期是偶然的. 是肾上腺素让我们继续前进. 迪拜美国医院’s alliance with robotic surgery is a vital element of our pact with our patients: to provide them with the best healthcare they deserve.



Sherif Beshara


