Gas and gas pain

Gas and gas pain

Gas in the digestive tract is normal, 但当被困住时,问题就出现了, and the body cannot expel the excessive gas, 引起疼痛和不适.

Gas is produced when you eat certain foods that induce it, and pain and bloating happens when the digestive system does not manage it well.

Generally, changes in eating habits can help limit and control bothersome gas conditions. However, sometimes gas can occur due to specific digestive system disorders like irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease, leading to a rise in gas or gas pain in the body.


Common signs indicating gas or gas pains are a sense of fullness or bloating, 腹部压力, burping, passing gas, and a noticeable rise in the size of your stomach.

Burping is expected, during or after a meal; people typically pass gas up to 20 times a day. Although having a gas condition is uncomfortable and embarrassing, burping and passing gas do not signal a medical problem.


Talk to your doctor when gas problems and pain persists and becomes severe, interfering with your ability to function well in daily life. Moreover, when gas or gas pains come along with other signs, it can indicate more severe conditions.

Get medical advice when you see a change in the frequency of bowel movements, weight loss, bloody stools, 大便粘稠度改变, constipation or diarrhea and persistent or recurrent nausea or vomiting. Get immediate help when you have prolonged abdominal pain and chest pain.

Know the causes

Gas in your stomach happens when you swallow air while eating or drinking, but it is commonly released when you burp.

Gas forms in your large intestine (colon) due to bacteria fermenting carbohydrates, fiber, 一些淀粉和糖, which did not digest in the small intestine. Bacteria absorb some of that gas, and the remaining gas is released by passing gas (flatus).

Food and habits:

Foods that trigger gas are high-fiber foods like beans and peas (legumes), fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Although these high-fiber foods may induce and increase gas production, fiber is necessary to keep your digestive tract work well, regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Other dietary factors contributing to increased gas in the digestive system are carbonated beverages like soda and beer. Also, some habits, 比如吃得太快, 用吸管喝水, chewing gum, sucking on candies or talking while chewing, 导致吞咽更多的空气, which leads to a rise in the gas condition.

Fiber supplements that have psyllium, like Metamucil, raises colon gas. Sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners like sorbitol, 甘露醇和木糖醇, seen in some sugar-free foods and beverages, 还会导致结肠气体过多.


Medical conditions that may also raise the risk of increasing intestinal gas, bloating, or gas pain are:

• Chronic intestinal diseases like diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease
• A rise or change in the bacteria in the small intestine, 造成过量气体, 腹泻和体重下降
• When the digestive system is not able to break down and absorb certain foods, like the sugar in dairy products (lactose) or proteins such as gluten in wheat and other grains
• Constipation causing difficultly in passing gas


Some dietary changes can help limit and prevent gas and gas-related issues:

• Figure out which high-fibre foods cause a gas problem, avoid some of these foods for a couple of weeks, 然后慢慢地把它们带回来. 请向平台首页咨询.
• Limit the use of dairy products from your diet or use lactose-free products.
• Lessen and stop (wherever possible) the use of sugar substitutes, carbonated

