

A cataract occurs when the transparent lens of the eye becomes cloudy. It causes clouded vision making it more challenging to read, drive a car (especially during the night) and even see the expression on a friend's face. The eyesight with a cataract feels like seeing through a frosty or fogged-up window. 
The condition develops slowly and doesn't bother the eyesight in the early stages. Initially, good lighting and eyeglass may help in dealing with cataracts. But with time, cataracts may eventually interfere the sight. 
然而, cataract surgery is needed when impaired vision interferes with the usual activities, 这是安全的, 有效的过程.


白内障的征象模糊不清, 视力模糊或模糊, 对光和眩光敏感, brighter light is needed for reading and other activities. The other symptoms are difficulty with vision at night, 看到灯光周围的“光晕”, 褪色的颜色褪色或变黄的, 一只眼睛也能看到双重的视觉, several changes in the prescription of eyeglass or contact lens. 
在早期阶段, the cloudiness in the vision due to a cataract might affect only a tiny part of the eye's lens without you experiencing any vision loss. 但是当白内障变大时, it may cloud more of the lens and distorts the light passing through it, 成为更明显的症状.


Get a doctor's appointment for an eye exam when you notice vision changes. See your doctor right away when you develop sudden vision changes, 比如双重视觉或闪光, 突然眼痛, 或者头痛.


白内障s mainly develop due to ageing or injury that alters the tissue that forms the eye's lens. 白内障s may also occur from other eye conditions, like past 眼科手术 or medical conditions like diabetes and long-term use of steroid medications. Even some inherited genetic disorders can lead to some health conditions that raise the risk of cataracts. 


The different kinds of cataracts are as follows:
• Nuclear cataracts happen at the center of the lens, initially causing more nearsightedness or even a temporary improvement in the reading vision. With time, it slowly turns densely yellow and further clouds the sight. 然后, 随着白内障的缓慢发展, 镜片变成棕色, and advanced yellowing or browning of the lens results in difficulty distinguishing between shades of color.
• Cortical cataracts occur on the edges of the lens, 哪个开始是白色的, wedge-shaped opacities or strips on the outer rim of the lens cortex. It slowly progresses and extends the streaks to the center, preventing light from passing through the center of the lens.
• Posterior subcapsular cataracts hit the back of the lens, 哪个开始是小的, opaque area that forms typically near the back of the lens, 就在光的路径上. This cataract progresses faster than other types do. The condition often interferes with reading sight, 在强光下降低视力, and creates glare or halos around lights at night.
• Congenital cataracts come with birth and are genetics, as some are born with cataracts or develop them during childhood, associated with an intrauterine infection or trauma. 这些是由于某些条件而发生的, 比如肌强直性营养不良, 半乳糖血症, 2型神经纤维瘤病或风疹. When removed soon after detection, these don't affect vision.  


•白内障风险随着年龄的增长而增加, 糖尿病等健康状况, 肥胖, 高血压, 过度暴露在阳光下, previous eye injury or inflammation and, 眼科手术. Even prolonged use of corticosteroid medications, smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol raise the risk.


There are no proven methods to prevent cataracts or slow the progression of cataracts, 但这些策略可能会有所帮助:
• Get regular eye examinations done to detect cataracts and other eye problems at their earliest stages. 
• Avoid smoking and get help from the doctor on ways to stop smoking. 
• Manage other health problems with a proper treatment plan to lessen the risk of the cataract.
• Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, 确保你的身体获得大量的维生素, 营养素和抗氧化剂, 哪些有助于保持眼睛健康.
• Wear sunglasses to block the ultraviolet light from the sun that may contribute to the development of cataracts. 
• Reduce alcohol use as it increases the risk of cataracts.



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