Tummy Tuck

女性在整个青春期都会面临激素水平和体重的波动, pregnancy, and menopause. In addition, 剖腹产会大大削弱腹壁,导致下腹部出现不美观的突出. 由于多余的皮肤和凸起影响了他们的自信,他们经常在情感上遭受痛苦, daily life, 和一切都是水.

腹部成形术是一种有效的途径,身体轮廓的产前状态. 生物联系, breast enlargement/reduction, 迪拜美国医院的塑形师可以给你做身体改造,也可以给你做妈咪改造,可以增强你的自然轮廓.

这种美容程序提供持久的效果,也需要你的认真承诺. 你需要准备好接受健康的生活方式和稳定的体重,以避免任何并发症.


Abdominoplasty, 通常被称为腹部除皱手术-是一种美容手术,包括从腰部去除多余的皮肤, 收紧腹壁的筋膜和肌肉,达到平坦的胃.

Fat stretches the skin when you gain a few pounds, but the skin is often unable to achieve its original state. 此外,多年来胶原蛋白的流失会使你的皮肤容易产生皱纹和松弛.

Abdominoplasty is an effective solution to abdominal drooping, 不仅给你想要的身体轮廓,而且还改善你的身体外观. 在short, it helps:

  • Reduction of abdominal panniculus and redundant skin
  • Gain flat和charmonious belly
  • Removal of stretch marks caused by pregnancy
  • 促进人类尊严

诉讼程序 & 死亡的死亡

Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, followed by 1-3 days of observation at the hospital. The duration of your surgery depends on the technique(s) used on your tummy. 整形外科提供三种不同的发型,可以根据你的喜好定制:

  • Standard Abdominoplasty: The standard procedure is the most common choice. 它包括一个臀部到臀部的切口,以完全重建胸腔, abdomen, and pubic area. 所有多余的脂肪组织和皮肤都被去除,以修复和收紧腹部肌肉.
  • 疤痕被放置在比基尼线上,这样就可以用内衣隐藏起来. 肚脐可以根据新的比例重新定位或重建以优化其位置.
  • 小腹部成形术:选择小腹部成形术去除局部脂肪和突出的耻骨区域. 外科平台首页做一个小切口,就像剖腹产留下的疤痕. It is short, quick, and highly effective.

Why American Hospital Is the Best Choice for 死亡的死亡?

我们的整形外科致力于为您的身体塑形和增强自信. 我们个性化的整容手术解决方案已经帮助无数人获得了他们一直为自己设想的身材. 委员会认证的外科平台首页进行结论性的分析和咨询,为您的方便创建理想的手术和善后护理策略.


去美国医院做你的腹部整形手术,享受一个健康平坦的胃. For an appointment with a Cosmetic Surgeon, use our online booking form.

Preparation for 死亡的死亡:

Here are some tips for prepping for tummy tuck surgery, 还不知道你是谁。, which is typically included in a mommy makeover:

  • 戒烟:手术前至少两周戒烟是很重要的,在恢复期间不要吸烟. Smoking can slow healing and increase the likelihood of complications.
  • 药物:一定要和你的外科平台首页讨论你正在服用的任何处方药或非处方药, as some can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.
  • Healthy Eating Plan: Maintain a nutritious diet with plenty of protein, fruits, and vegetables to aid healing and recovery.
  • 体育活动:你的外科平台首页可能会建议在手术前开始一个温和的运动计划,以帮助恢复.
  • Arrange for Help: At least the first few days following surgery, you will require someone to assist you. Make sure to ask a friend or relative to help out during this time.
  • 恢复空间:在家里创造一个安静的地方,可以很容易地获得像药物这样的必需品, water, and snacks for when you need comfort.
  • Loose Clothing:对stretchy的选择, comfortable clothing that's effortless to put on and take off, along with a pair of comfortable shoes that offer maximum comfort.
  • 休假计划:从工作或其他义务中抽出至少两周的时间来进行适当的康复和恢复.


After Precautions of 死亡的死亡:

标准腹部成形术后你的疤痕会很长. 疤痕可以从臀部延伸到臀部,甚至需要垂直延伸才能到达顽固的部位. So, despite the neatness and precision opted by a cosmetic surgeon, the final look of a scar cannot be predicted. However, the scar can easily hide under the slip or swimsuit, thus masking the surgery and reducing the patient’s discomfort.

The scar may look red, lumpy, and raised for several months after the surgery. 在腹部成形术后的随访中,你可能会被建议进行其他美容手术来掩盖疤痕并改善其外观.


  • Abdominoplasty does not involve weight loss, and therefore ideal candidates should be of a relatively normal size frame.
  • An abdominoplasty requires a more extended stay at the hospital. You will need a caregiver during your stay.
  • Swelling, bruises, and lumps are very common post-surgery. These symptoms will heal with prescribed medicines.
  • It is critical to sleep on your back, as any lateral positions could put unnecessary pressure on your wounds.
  • 在标准的腹部成形术后,你可能会被要求穿一件支撑服三到八周.
  • Remember, rest is crucial for your recovery and healing after the surgery. 因此,腹部除皱手术后最好避免剧烈活动.
  • 腹部成形术通常同时伴有臀部吸脂术, love handles and repositioning of the navel.


美国医院是该地区为数不多的在整形手术方面享有独特声誉的医疗机构之一, especially breast enlargement or breast reduction procedures. 我们的整容手术团队由经验丰富的外科平台首页组成,他们在提供最佳结果和赢得客户满意度方面有着悠久的历史.

我们使用最新的技术和手法,以确保您收到理想的结果. 这些步骤是为了增强你的信心,让你对自己的身体感到满意.

如果你想了解更多关于隆胸或缩胸手术的信息, 预约整形外科平台首页正规赌博十大平台排行使用我们的安全网络形式.


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