Foot Surgery & Osteotomy

Advanced Foot Surgery & Osteotomy Services at American Hospital Dubai

我们知道脚对我们的健康和活动自由很重要. 我们熟练的骨科专业团队致力于提供尖端技术, 个性化的足部手术和截骨服务,让您随时轻松行走.

About Foot Surgery & Osteotomy:

迪拜的足部截骨手术包括各种旨在解决足部和踝关节畸形的手术, injuries, and diseases. One common type of foot surgery is osteotomy, 哪里的骨头被精确切割和重新定位,以纠正畸形和减轻疼痛. 这种手术对拇外翻等疾病特别有效, hammertoes, or arthritis, 因为它有助于调整骨骼和恢复适当的足部功能.

At American Hospital Dubai, 我们的专业脚趾和足外科平台首页擅长进行截骨术和其他先进的足部手术. We prioritize precision, safety, and patient comfort throughout the treatment process, 确保平台首页获得最佳结果,提高平台首页的生活质量.

Who Needs Foot Surgery & Osteotomy?

Often people who have chronic pain, deformation, 或功能限制后,保守治疗失败,需要手术干预,包括足部手术 & osteotomy. Candidates for these procedures often include those with:

  • Severe bunions or hammertoes
  • Arthritis causing joint damage
  • Congenital foot deformities
  • Trauma-related injuries
  • Failed previous foot surgeries
  • Chronic foot pain impacting daily activities

What Happens During Foot Surgery & Osteotomy?

During this procedure:

1. 麻醉:麻醉是为了确保病人感觉不到疼痛,麻醉可以是局部的,局部的,也可以是全身的.

2. 切口和骨切割:外科平台首页在患处做一个精确的切口,然后小心地将骨头切回原位.

3. 调整和固定:在使用螺钉固定之前,将这些骨段移回正确的位置, plates, or pins made from fixation devices.

4. 缝合:缝合伤口后,用绷带包扎,保持伤口不动,这样可以促进伤口愈合.

5. 术后指南必须正确遵循,以促进愈合过程.

Aftercare Tips Following Foot Surgery & Osteotomy:

维持适当的术后护理对于足部手术和截骨术后的成功康复至关重要. Patients should:

  • 遵循负重限制,使用拐杖或按照建议行走.
  • 抬高你的脚:抬高你的脚,这样肿胀会消退得更快,愈合得更快.
  • 按医嘱服药:确保你遵守疼痛管理和感染预防用药计划.
  • 进行随访:外科平台首页必须定期给你看,这样他们就可以了解你的康复情况,并解决任何问题.
  • 物理治疗-进行理疗师推荐的锻炼,帮助恢复体力, flexibility, and function.

By following these post-surgery care tips, 平台首页可加快恢复期,达到最佳手术效果.

Benefits of Foot Surgery & Osteotomy:

Foot surgery has several advantages which include:

  • 缓解疼痛:大大减少了诸如关节炎等畸形的疼痛程度.
  • 功能增强:日常活动能力增强,包括体育锻炼.
  • Normal alignment and appearance of foot re-gained.
  • 预防慢性病在未来再次复发的治疗方法.
  • 它提高了整体的流动性以及生活方式的改变, 尤其是当一个人选择做足部手术,比如拇囊炎切除术, hammertoe correction, or ankle fusion.

Choose American Hospital Dubai for Foot Surgery & Osteotomy:


  • 在足部手术方面的专业知识:我们的骨科平台首页在进行各种足部手术方面技术精湛,经验丰富, including osteotomies, to correct deformities and alleviate pain.
  • 综合诊断能力:我们利用最先进的诊断工具来准确评估足部状况, ensuring precise treatment planning and effective outcomes.
  • 个性化治疗计划:每个病人接受个性化的护理,以满足他们的具体需求和情况, 确保最好的手术效果和术后恢复.
  • Commitment to Patient Care: We prioritize patient comfort, safety, and satisfaction throughout the surgical process, providing compassionate care and support at every step.

Choose American Hospital Dubai for hand and foot surgery, big toe osteotomy, 和/或拇外翻手术,以受益于我们的专业知识, advanced technology, and commitment to exceptional orthopedic care. 正规赌博十大平台排行今天安排咨询,并开始您的旅程,朝着改善足部健康.

Book an Appointment:

今天和我们的脚趾专家和足外科平台首页预约一次会诊. 正规赌博十大平台排行+97143775500或填写我们的在线联系表,安排预约专家护理.

They can include infection, blood clotting, nerve damage, prolonged pain, or trouble with bone healing.


In some cases, 可以进行双侧足部手术,但只有在双脚情况相似的情况下才有可能.

麻醉的种类取决于手术的程度以及个人的喜好. 这包括局部麻醉(麻痹特定区域), 局部麻醉(麻醉较大面积,如整个肢体), 或者全身麻醉(包括让病人入睡).

Post-operative care often includes wearing a cast, splint, 或者专为骨科目的设计的特殊鞋,它将保护手术部位,直到所需的愈合过程发生.

أطباء قسم Foot Surgery & Osteotomy

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