Pediatric ICU - Surgical Medical

Facing complex medical challenges? American Hospital Dubai’s Medical/Oncology ICU is your solution. 我们的儿科和新生儿重症监护室的外科医疗服务团队致力于为患有危重疾病和外科手术的儿童提供服务. As specialists, 当医疗紧急情况与儿童或青少年有关时,我们不需要说这些, 我们的第一步将是确保他们的安全,然后好好照顾他们,让他们快速康复

About Surgical Medical Facility:

美国医院的新生儿和儿科重症监护室为需要专科手术的婴儿和儿童提供全面的护理. 这些疾病可以在出生后或儿童时期的任何时候被发现. 我们的多学科团队由高技能的专家组成,与孩子的家庭密切协调,以确保在幼小时期需要医疗或手术干预的孩子得到最好的结果.

儿科重症监护室(PICU)的外科医疗设施侧重于最近接受手术或准备接受手术的儿童. 当孩子们接受手术时,他们需要的照顾和关注与成年人有很大的不同. 作为医疗保健专业人员,我们遇到了许多挑战. So when the children are taken to the PICU for specialized care, 外科医疗小组负责密切监测孩子的病情变化. They monitor vital signs such as heartbeat, breathing, and oxygen levels via equipment customized for children. 

Conditions Treated at Pediatric Intensive Care Unit:

新生儿和患有复杂内科和外科疾病的儿童需要在美国医院的PICU接受治疗. 在我们的儿童专用设施中治疗的一些常见健康状况有:

  • Anemia: 血液中缺乏足够的健康红细胞,导致疲劳和虚弱的一种状况.
  • Breathing Problems: Difficulty in breathing, often caused by various respiratory issues, requires critical care intervention.
  • Bladder and Genital Defects: 泌尿或生殖器官的结构异常需要在儿科重症监护病房(PICU)进行专门护理。.
  • Brain Malformations: 大脑结构的不规则,需要对患病儿童进行密集的医疗护理.
  • Defects of Lungs and Airways Abnormalities in the respiratory system, 需要PICU专业知识来管理和治疗呼吸困难.
  • Heart Defects and Conditions先天性或获得性心脏问题,由于其对心血管系统的影响,需要重症监护.
  • Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and eyes due to liver-related problems, necessitating intensive care to address underlying causes.
  • Meningitis: 脑炎覆盖大脑和脊髓的保护膜的炎症, demanding urgent PICU care.
  • Sepsis or Infections of the Bloodstream: Serious bloodstream infections leading to systemic issues, requiring immediate and specialized attention in the PICU.
  • Seizures and Strokes: 脑病涉及大脑异常活动或脑部血流量的疾病, requiring prompt intervention in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

Depending on the illness being treated at PICU, the surgeons, nurses, 和其他医疗专业人员一起工作来监测孩子的进步, modify treatments as appropriate, and ensure that everything goes well for a fast recovery.

Surgical Medical Services at Pediatric Intensive Care Unit:

我们的儿科重症监护室(PICU),包括迪拜美国医院的新生儿重症监护室,旨在满足年轻平台首页的关键需求,并确保他们获得最高水平的护理. 我们专注于需要重症监护的儿科平台首页的核心需求.

Our services include but are not limited to:

  • An infant, child, 或患有急性疾病或受伤的青少年,应立即转移到新生儿重症监护室.
  • A chronic illness that affects one or more body organs.
  • A child who has a possibly life-threatening condition.
  • 因某种疾病需要高度照顾和高水平医疗的儿童.

手术成功后,病人已经康复, 我们确保他们参加后续检查,并继续接受手术后的医疗照顾.

Our PICU Team Approach to Care:

我们的多学科方法是卓越的,由一流的专家团队合作, including pediatric surgeons, pediatric intensivists, anesthesiologists, nurses, respiratory therapists, and other healthcare professionals. We discuss the patient's medical history, ongoing treatments, 以及其他有关儿童福利的必要事项.

Along with that, 我们为这些家庭提供同情的安慰,因为我们明白,如果是关于他们的孩子, how impatient the family can be. Therefore, we keep them updated about the surgical procedure, expected outcomes, and potential complications. 

Why Choose American Hospital Dubai?

Even though many other reputable hospitals are doing just as fine, 是什么让迪拜美国医院的新生儿重症监护病房与众不同? 答案很简单:我们对每位平台首页的专注和个性化护理使我们成为人们的首选.

Our values are based on teamwork, quality care, top-notch services, respect, and a patient-centric approach. When a patient, and especially when it's a child, we make sure that they receive the best care possible. Being true to our mission, 我们不断改进我们的服务,以提供世界上公认的最高水平的护理. 我们为病人和他们的家人营造一个安全、舒适的体验. 

Get in Touch:

In case of an emergency or general queries, fill out the form on our official website or contact us at +971 43775500 Our customer care team is always available to answer

Pediatric intensivists are highly competent, 专科平台首页,专门照顾患有威胁生命疾病如先天性心脏病的重病儿童, trauma, and infectious disorders. 

The pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) is a unit that gives a high level of care to children. 它相当于ICU(重症监护病房),成人接受 special care, but the PICU staff is trained specifically to work with children. 

重症监护病房的儿童得到紧急护理,并密切监测心率等生命体征, respiration, and blood pressure by attending physicians. PICU还要求物理治疗师和职业治疗师提供医院其他单位可能无法提供的治疗. 

儿童在PICU呆的时间长短取决于他们的医疗状况.   有些可能只停留一天,而另一些可能停留几周或几个月. 

Nursing residents working in a PICU have extensive expertise in caring for the hospital's sickest youngsters. Depending on your child's needs, several doctors will provide care for your child, 其他专科平台首页,如心脏病专家和神经外科平台首页也可能参与其中

PICU平台首页包括新生儿、幼儿、儿童、青少年和青少年. Most PICU patients are 18 or younger. 18岁以上的人由于几种情况也可能需要PICU治疗.