Oncology ICU

Facing complex medical challenges? American Hospital Dubai’s Medical/Oncology ICU is your solution. 我们的专家团队为那些正在与医学疾病和肿瘤预后作斗争的人提供了一个充满关怀的环境. We believe that expert doctors, nurses, 治疗师是密切合作的伙伴,他们了解你的需求,并制定个性化的康复计划.

About Medical/Oncology ICU Facility:

内科/肿瘤科ICU是我们医院的重症监护室,用于治疗重症平台首页, especially those associated with cancer and other serious illnesses, through intensive specialized treatment. 该单位采用最先进的医疗技术,并与精通处理危及生命的病人的保健从业人员合作.

Conditions Treated at Oncology Intensive Care Unit:


  • Cancer-Related Complications: Our unit specializes in handling serious issues tied to cancer, 比如治疗由疾病引起的副作用和危急情况
  • Severe Infections: 我们通过积极的治疗来应对癌症平台首页的危及生命的感染, especially considering their weakened immune systems.
  • Organ Failure: We're equipped to manage organ failure in cancer patients, tailoring our care to address specific organ system challenges.
  • Hematologic Disorders: We deal with urgent problems stemming from blood disorders, such as severe anemia and clotting issues, working closely with hematology experts.
  • Respiratory DistressOur focus is on addressing breathing emergencies linked to cancer, using advanced support and monitoring for optimal oxygen levels.
  • Cardiac Emergencies: We handle heart crises in cancer patients, 采用复杂的监测和干预措施,如不规则的心跳和心肌功能障碍.
  • Neurological Crises: For cancer patients facing urgent neurological problems, we provide specialized care for conditions like seizures, brain swelling, and cancer-related neurological disorders.
  • Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN): P支持新生儿持续性肺动脉高压增强氧合,改善预后.
  • Post-Operative Complications: We offer careful post-surgery care, 解决并发症,确保癌症平台首页顺利康复接受肿瘤手术.

Oncology ICU Services at AHD:

At American Hospital Dubai, 我们的肿瘤重症监护室为从严重健康问题中恢复的平台首页提供关键护理服务, particularly those caused by cancer. Our healthcare professionals are prepared to address any emergency. 我们维护我们的病人的福利,并努力提供一个舒适的氛围,因为他们浏览复杂的医疗路径

We are committed to providing high-quality care, 从现代监测和尖端医疗技术到个性化治疗方案. This is due to our cohesive multidisciplinary team, 哪一种能有效地解决与癌症相关的各种并发症, severe infections, and other critical conditions. We are committed to excellence, and we seek not only medical expertise but also compassion, 为我们的病人和他们的家人带来一个整体的健康方法.

Our OICU Team Approach to Care:

我们在迪拜美国医院的OICU团队由经验丰富的平台首页组成, nurses, 以及致力于通过以平台首页为中心的方法提供综合医疗保健的其他支持人员. 我们相信,不同专家之间如此高水平的合作使我们能够识别与癌症相关疾病相关的潜在挑战, leaving no room for ambiguity.

As for other members of the OICU team in our hospital, 我们强调开放的沟通和平等的责任,以促进改善平台首页的治疗效果. 我们可以通过定期的病例讨论来制定适合每个病人需要的治疗计划, coordination meetings, and incorporating individual specialties. 

我们的跨学科方法超越了医学领域,以解决影响平台首页健康的情感和心理方面. 我们努力营造一个关怀和协作的团队环境,使我们的病人和家属可以相信,他们不仅会得到技术上的能力,而且会得到富有同情心和同理心的护理.

Why Choose American Hospital Dubai?

By choosing the American Hospital Dubai, you can be assured of excellence and compassionate patient care. 我们高素质的专业团队为每位平台首页提供符合最高标准的个性化高质量医疗服务.

正规赌博十大平台排行不仅注重尖端的技术和最新的设施,但也表明了决心留在顶峰,当涉及到引入医疗保健的新进展. We realize that healthcare has more than just medical procedures; it also involves the emotional and psychological well-being of our patients. 我们医院努力提供最先进的医疗服务,并为平台首页和家属提供友好和关怀的氛围. 

Contact Us:

如有任何关于肿瘤ICU的帮助或问题,请正规赌博十大平台排行 +971 4 3775500 or fill out our official website contact form. We are here to help you at every stage of your wellness journey.

癌症平台首页入住ICU的主要原因是术后护理, acute respiratory failure (ARF), and sepsis. Other clinical conditions include cardiac difficulties, neurological diseases, acute renal damage, hemorrhage, and oncological issues. 

Oncology, the study and treatment of cancer, derives its name from the Greek word "oncos,意思是肿胀,与希腊平台首页描述肿瘤生长的方式相对应. 


Graft-versus-host disease, infections, and organ toxicity are common consequences of HSCT in cancer ICUs. Close monitoring, early intervention, 与移植专家的协调对于解决这些问题和提高干细胞移植的整体效果至关重要. 

姑息治疗在肿瘤ICU中是必不可少的,因为它为晚期疾病平台首页提供支持, focuses on symptom management, and helps with difficult decision-making

癌症平台首页的合并症需要重症监护室的量身定制的策略, taking into account both cancer-related risks and pre-existing diseases. 

癌症重症监护室的病人是患有癌症的人,因为严重的疾病需要非常紧急或关键的护理. 肿瘤ICU的专业医疗护理治疗癌症的复杂性,以及需要紧急关注和干预的危重平台首页的急性发作. 

أطباء قسم Oncology ICU

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