Ecmo in PICU

体外膜氧合(ECMO)可以是一个生命线脆弱的年轻平台首页遭受急性心肺衰竭. At American Hospital Dubai’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), we provide life-saving technology and outstanding medical infrastructure, leading even the smallest breaths to recovery.

About ECMO in PICU Facility:

ECMO, or Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, PICU是否对急性心脏或呼吸衰竭的危重年轻平台首页使用生命支持程序. 它通过使用外部泵使血液通过人工肺(膜氧合器)循环,从而暂时帮助心脏和肺部增加氧气并去除二氧化碳. 体外膜肺氧合可以让病人的心脏和肺得到休息,这样他们就可以从其他疾病中恢复过来,比如严重的肺炎, congenital disabilities in the cardiocirculatory system, or acute illnesses. 它是一种多方面的、集中的治疗方法,用于标准治疗方法不足的情况, 在重症监护病房中,它可以成为处理危及生命情况的重要工具.

Conditions Treated by ECMO in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit:


  • Severe Respiratory Failure: 为面临关键呼吸挑战的个人提供生命支持. .
  • Congenital Heart Defects: 为需要专门心脏支持的先天性心脏异常婴儿提供ECMO干预.
  • Cardiomyopathies: 支持心功能衰弱的心脏肌肉,以优化病人的恢复.
  • Postcardiotomy Shock: 处理术后休克情况,确保稳定和恢复.
  • Severe Sepsis: 对严重全身性感染平台首页应用ECMO支持重要器官功能.
  • Near-Drowning: 在溺水事件中使用体外氧合来帮助呼吸和循环恢复.  
  • Traumatic Injuries: 为影响呼吸和心脏功能的严重损伤平台首页提供维持生命的ECMO支持.
  • Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN): P支持新生儿持续性肺动脉高压增强氧合,改善预后.
  • Intractable Arrhythmias: 通过ECMO辅助解决持续性和挑战性心律紊乱.

ECMO PICU Services at AHD:

  • Globally recognized specialists:我们保证在著名平台首页和外科平台首页的指导下提供最高水平的医疗服务,他们在处理困难情况方面具有丰富的经验.
  • Dedicated nurses: They provide continual bedside care, methodically monitor vital signs, and provide exact reporting around the clock.
  • 与ECMO团队无缝协作的气道控制和呼吸机支持专家.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Our modern equipment is so accurate in monitoring every patient every hour. Due to this ongoing monitoring, the optimal time to make adjustments to a treatment plan is ahead of time. Therefore, 我们可以保证我们医院高度负责的工作人员会给你最好的照顾.
  • Compassionate Child Life Specialists: Recognizing the emotional toll on families, they offer age-appropriate activities and emotional support.

We understand that no two children are alike. Your child’s ECMO journey becomes our core focus, with a personalized treatment plan, open communication, family support, and a top-notch medical facility.

Our ECMO PICU Team Approach to Care:

For children with critical illnesses, the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) employs a team-based approach, and they are part of an ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation). ECMO PICU团队由高度专业化的专业人员组成,如儿科重症医师, cardiac surgeons, ECMO specialists, respiratory therapists, nurses, 以及其他医疗保健从业人员,他们合作处理涉及严重心肺衰竭的具有挑战性的情况.

Communication and coordination are crucial parts of our ECMO team, 包括定期的跨学科会议,以审查平台首页的进展和治疗计划,以及潜在的修改护理. The members of every team contribute their various expertise to the table, which ultimately falls in the favor of our little patients.  这种合作关系超越了医疗团队,也让家庭参与到护理过程中来. 我们经常与父母或监护人保持沟通,并告知他们孩子的病情发展到需要使用体外膜肺手术和整个治疗计划. ECMO PICU团队专注于在情感枯竭的时候为家庭建立一个支持性和富有同情心的环境.

Why Choose American Hospital Dubai?

正规赌博十大平台排行是一个领先的选择,个人和家庭希望获得卓越的医疗服务. AHD拥有多元化和多语种的工作人员,可以满足多样化的平台首页基础, 从而确保不同文化背景的有效沟通和理解.

Our PICU is equipped with cutting-edge medical technology and equipment, demonstrating our dedication to providing accurate treatment and diagnosis. American Hospital Dubai adheres to high standards, 让平台首页对我们服务的可靠性和安全性充满信心. 医院的领导承诺也反映在他们的病人服务上, assisting with everything.

平台首页经常选择迪拜美国医院,不仅因为其优越的医疗能力,也因为其良好的声誉.  We are defined by word of mouth, positive patient testimonials, and a solid reputation in the medical field. 迪拜美国医院成功地将自己确立为那些需要高质量医疗服务的人的首选,并结合了文化敏感的方法和重视病人护理的环境住宿.

Contact Us:

Need urgent assistance or have questions about our ECMO PICU? Reach us 24/7: +971 4 3775500 or fill out our official website contact form. We're here to help.

Some patients may be weaned off ECMO in less than 24 hours, while others may need to remain on ECMO for more than 30 days

如果由高素质的医疗团队在适当的临床场所进行ECMO,则认为是安全的. Its safety relies on careful patient selection, monitoring, and a healthcare practitioner’s ability to address ECMO-related challenges. 

ECMO通过为等待心脏或肺移植的儿童提供支持,将转移到PICU. Challenges include risk of infection, maintaining anticoagulation, 确保ECMO和移植团队之间的协调,以最大限度地提高平台首页的治疗效果. 

PICU中的ECMO为患有严重心脏或肺部疾病的儿童提供专业的生命支持, considerably improving their chances of full recovery. 

当病人无法自主呼吸时,呼吸机将空气推入或推出肺部. ECMO系统通过一种去除二氧化碳和增加氧气的机制来泵血

当放置导管或ECMO机器时,平台首页不会感到任何剧烈的疼痛或不适 operating. You'll be given medication to make you sleep while on ECMO.