Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU)

For cardiac patients who need intensive care for conditions involving the heart, lungs, or airways, 美国医院提供专业的重症监护设施,设备齐全,提供卓越的服务,确保平台首页的安全和快速康复.

Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU):

心脏重症监护是指对患有严重心血管疾病的平台首页进行专门和系统的管理, encompassing both cardiovascular and cardiac illnesses. Globally, cardiac ailments rank among the main causes of mortality. At American Hospital Dubai, 已经建立了一个重症监护室,以治疗患有严重心脏病的平台首页并防止这些疾病造成的死亡. 危重心脏病平台首页是心脏重症监护病房(cardiac ICU)的唯一焦点。, which is committed to delivering round-the-clock, comprehensive, and thorough care. To provide patients with optimal outcomes amidst their critical circumstances, our clinical operation consists of continuous surveillance, individualized patient attention, and family-focused assistance. Moreover, 心脏外科ICU提供康复计划,以帮助平台首页在手术或手术后恢复.

Conditions Treated at AHD Cardiac ICU:


  • Congenital heart disease: Treating individuals with heart conditions present at birth, ensuring specialized care for optimal health.
  • Aortic regurgitation and valve stenosis: Managing issues with the heart valves, specifically addressing problems related to aortic regurgitation and stenosis. 
  • Atrial and ventricular septal defect: Expert care for patients with holes in the heart walls, focusing on both atrial and ventricular septal defects. 
  • Cardiomyopathy and myocarditis: 为影响心肌功能和心脏炎症的疾病提供重症监护. 
  • Primary pulmonary hypertension: 专门治疗肺部血压升高,确保全面护理. 
  • Tracheal stenosis: Addressing narrowed windpipes requires specialized attention for optimal respiratory function. 
  • Inherited heart conditions: 管理代代相传的心脏问题,根据遗传因素定制治疗方案. 
  • Heart transplant: Overseeing the complex process of replacing a diseased heart with a healthy one. 
  • Lung transplant: 为改善呼吸功能而接受肺移植的病人提供专门护理. 
  • Rhythm disorders: Addressing irregular heartbeats and related conditions and ensuring optimal cardiac rhythm for overall well-being. 

Services at AHD Cardiac Intensive Care Unit:

  • 我们有一个多学科的团队,由委员会认证的重症医师和其他专家组成, including cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, ventilator technicians, physiotherapists, and pharmacists in CICU, who can conveniently handle highly complicated cardiac cases. 
  • Passive monitoring systems in our CICU attend to vital signs, cardiac functions, and other important parameters on a real-time basis. This type of constant monitoring helps to undertake timely intervention in a way that is always customized. 
  • Emergencies in health don't follow a certain pattern of timing, and so neither do we. The CICU works around the clock, evaluating 平台首页问题以及持续监测和对平台首页病情的即时反应. 
  • 我们制定个人治疗计划,以满足每位平台首页的医疗和个人需求. 
  • To help families manage difficult situations, our CICU promotes a culture of open communication and regular updates. Schedules are compiled several days ahead with the clinical team, 确保护理服务需要根据每个病人的日常情况进行调整. 
  • In addition to providing critical care, our CICU also offers assistance in patients' return journeys during rehabilitation. 

Our Team Approach to Care:

At the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit of American Hospital Dubai, 我们坚信,团队合作对于病人的妥善护理是必要的. 我们的团队努力确保我们提供最好的护理,由重症医师和经验丰富的心脏病专家组成,他们在与心脏病相关的所有领域都接受过培训. Due to the extensive knowledge our team members collectively possess, this endeavor guarantees that every patient receives individualized care.

In our cardiac critical care, 这种团队合作方式不仅局限于医疗专业人员,还包括平台首页及其家属. 我们观察了平台首页及其家属参与决策的初始功能, as it helps us have more comprehensive knowledge about patient needs. 

Why Choose American Hospital Dubai?

If you're looking for healthcare needs based on excellence, patient-centric care, and top modern medical services, American Hospital Dubai is the best choice to make. 迪拜美国医院以其高质量的设施和人员而闻名,他们是医疗保健系统的专业人员. We provide a wide variety of medical specialties to the patient, 从基础护理到各级儿科心脏重症监护服务. 医院对质量的关注体现在奢华的客户满意度基础设施上,包括世界一流的医疗技术,以进行准确的诊断, novel treatment regimens, and quick patient recovery.

At American Hospital Dubai, 我们的专业主要不是与临床卓越有关,而是与个性化和富有同情心的护理有关. 医院非常注重病人的体验,营造一种让病人得到尊严对待的氛围, respect, and empathy. 

Have Questions? Call Our Helpline!

Call our dedicated helpline at +97143775500 for prompt and personalized support. Our trained professionals are ready to provide information, address your concerns, and guide you through our services. 您的健康和幸福是我们的首要任务,我们在这里帮助您的每一步. 

心脏重症监护室(ICCU)专门治疗心脏病平台首页, 而重症监护室则治疗各种危及生命的疾病. Intensive care, critical care, 心脏护理单位都治疗患有严重疾病的人,并使用相同的设备来监测和护理他们.

重症监护病房(ICU)和心血管重症监护病房(CICU)的区别在于ICU为所有危重伤员提供服务, 而CVICU则专注于照顾需要心肺疾病重症监护的平台首页.

重症监护室(CICU)是专门治疗急性心肌梗塞(AMI)等严重心脏病平台首页的医院重症监护病房, cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmias. These patients are frequently at risk for heart failure and cardiogenic shock.

药物治疗可以在不手术的情况下治疗胸动脉瘤,并与观察等待一起使用, 平台首页应该在什么时候监测动脉瘤的变化,以便采取更积极的治疗.

动脉和静脉移植在重症冠状动脉监护病房被用作旁路移植, with most patients receiving a mix of the two.

心脏瓣膜手术包括修复或更换过薄或不能正常关闭的瓣膜. 瓣膜必须正常工作,以使血液在正确的方向流过心脏. 

呼吸治疗师帮助正在经历呼吸困难的个人. 呼吸治疗师在平台首页的监督下工作,治疗各种各样的病人, 包括肺部发育不全的早产儿和肺部有问题的老年人.

أطباء قسم Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU)

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