Adult ICU

An intensive care unit for adults is not only a place where treatment is given; it is also a sanctuary where your health and comfort come first. It includes experienced intensivists, 马尼托巴省nurses, 熟练的外科平台首页合作为每位平台首页制定个性化的治疗方案. 我们不断了解医学科学的最新发展,以确保您得到最有效的治疗.

About ICU facilites:

成人重症监护病房(ICU)是医院医学的一个专业,提供全面, highly specialized care to critically ill adult patients. Patients who are admitted to the ICU need close observation, advanced medical interventions, 由于严重的健康状况,如危及生命的疾病或事故或手术并发症造成的伤害而使用的特殊设备. 成人ICU的主要目标是在平台首页最关键的阶段稳定和支持他们,帮助他们康复.

Conditions Treated in the Adult Intensive Care Unit:

美国医院拥有多个重症监护病房,为一系列重病和受伤平台首页提供生命支持和重症监护. 每个重症监护室被公认为其特殊的疼痛管理,诊断 & testing, surgical services, and compassionate care. 在经验丰富的医疗专业人员和技术专家的监督下操作, 这里是我们设备齐全的重症监护室,可用于照顾患有以下疾病的成年平台首页:

Cardiac ICU:

我们的心脏重症监护室在治疗重症和轻度心脏病方面都是一流的. Hundreds of patients fly to us annually for our exceptional services. We are ready with modern monitoring and interventions. 

Surgical ICU:

We look after surgical patients in the Surgical ICU, providing them with the specialized care they require. 和整个食人族一起, pain管理, and individualized rehabilitation plans, this unit guarantees that all go from surgery right into recovery.

Medical/Oncology ICU:

In our Medical/Oncology ICU, patients come with diseases related to cancer. Medical conditions are complex here. 


If your heart or lungs run into trouble, 在寻找其他治疗方法时,体外膜氧合机(ECMO)可以维持你的生命.


我们的双重重点ICU为感染者和非感染者提供全面治疗. 虽然对传染病有特殊的程序和条件, 我们尽一切努力保证病人的安全,使他们恢复健康和幸福.


亚美航空航天馆, 我们的成人ICU团队高度致力于确保在危急情况下为平台首页提供特殊和同理心的护理. 我们的病人护理方法需要一个由高素质的重症医师组成的多学科团队, nurses, respiratory therapists, and other specialized professionals in health care. 

在杜里, it is about more than just medical interventions; we prioritize open communication and emotional support for both patients and their families. Our team understands how difficult it is to deal with critically协议; hence we strive to create a supportive healing environment. 迪拜美国医院的成人ICU团队旨在促进平台首页的康复和健康.

Our Adult ICU Team Approach to Care:

重症监护病房(ICU)可能是一个可怕和令人生畏的环境,病人和家属处理最复杂和危及生命的医疗危机. 正规赌博十大平台排行的使命是提供主管和富有同情心的临床护理成人手术平台首页谁需要在重症监护病房手术后的时间.

我们的科室有一支由麻醉医师、急诊医师和护士组成的特殊队伍. 重症监护小组致力于为平台首页及其家属提供24小时护理和咨询. To ensure consistency in patient management, the intensive care unit is “culture driven,” meaning critical care is shared among the staff and management team.

Why Choose American Hospital Dubai?

亚美航空航天馆, 我们的重症监护室(ICU)以其致力于提供护理而闻名. 让我们与众不同的是我们的团队,他们共同努力,确保每个病人都能得到个性化的、富有同情心的护理,以满足他们的特定医疗需求.

我们以保持在技术的最前沿并不断投资于最先进的设备而感到自豪. 这使我们能够提供护理和治疗服务,为我们的病人带来更好的结果.

When you choose American Hospital Dubai for care, you're selecting a facility with the expertise, 现代技术, 私人房间需要提供出色的服务,可以根据需要进行调整.


我想要我的任何东西, worries, 或者需要更多关于迪拜美国医院成人重症监护病房的信息. We have committed staff members who are always ready to serve you better. Our contacts can be reached through phone numbers (+971 43775500), emails, and by filling out the contact form provided on our website.

Intensive care units (ICUs) are specialized hospital wards that treat and monitor critically协议. They are manned 由受过适当教育的保健人员和先进的监测设备. 


The Surgical ICU is known for its expertise in handling cases, utilizing an approach that combines surgical and medical knowledge. This ensures care for patients with both medical requirements.

癌症平台首页需要住进ICU是有原因的. 最常见的原因是失败,这意味着他们无法自己舒适地呼吸. 这可归因于肺部感染(如肺炎)或肺部内出血等因素.

To ensure that each patient gets specific care, 成人重症监护室为COVID-19和非COVID-19平台首页制定了方案和单独的病房. While COVID-19 cases are subjected to strict infection control measures, 非covid -19平台首页可以不间断地获得量身定制的重症监护服务,以确保这一环境的安全性和全面性. 

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