Skin Allergies Treatment

全世界有数百万人是皮肤过敏的受害者,也被称为超敏反应, which cause discomfort and sometimes even serious health risks. At American Hospital Dubai, 我们拥有一支经验丰富的皮肤科平台首页团队,他们为不同类型的皮肤过敏提供全面的诊断和治疗计划,以准确识别触发因素,并提供基于个性化的持久缓解方法.

About Skin Allergies:

当免疫系统对皮肤接触的某些物质反应过度时,就会发生皮肤过敏, triggering inflammatory responses. 它们可以有各种形式,如皮疹、荨麻疹、肿胀、发红、瘙痒或起泡. 其他皮肤过敏可能是暂时的,但有些会变成慢性的,需要持续的治疗.

Causes and Symptoms of Skin Allergies:

Skin allergy causes include:

  • Contact allergens: Substances directly touching the skin, such as cosmetics, jewelry, plants (poison ivy), chemicals, and latex.
  • 食物过敏原:摄入的物质,如花生、贝类、大豆或乳制品.
  • Inhalant allergens: Airborne particles like dust mites, pollen, or pet dander.
  • Plants: Poison ivy/oak/sumac
  • Cosmetics: Hair dyes/nail polish/makeup
  • 皮肤过敏药物:某些皮肤过敏药物可引起皮疹过敏反应.

皮肤过敏的症状因病因和个人敏感性而异. Common signs include:

The allergic contact dermatitis symptoms depend on various factors, including its location on the body. These reactions can manifest as one or several of the following:

  • Redness:Skin appears reddened or inflamed.
  • Itching:Intense itching, sometimes leading to scratching and potential infections.
  • Eczema:Dry, itchy patches of skin, often affecting hands, elbows, and knees.
  • Blisters:Dry, itchy patches of skin, often affecting hands, elbows, and knees.
  • Swelling: Localized puffiness around the affected area.

Treatments for Skin Allergies:

Skin allergies can be managed through various treatments, including:

Avoidance of Allergens: Take note of what might be causing your skin allergies and try to avoid them. 这可以包括使用低过敏性肥皂和洗涤剂,以及考虑防过敏枕套和床垫套.

Topical Corticosteroids: 你的平台首页可以给你开一些含有皮质类固醇的药膏来帮助减少炎症和止痒. 重要的是要按照他们的说明,这些面霜应该使用多久或使用多长时间.

Antihistamines:For itching relief and lessening allergic reactions, 你可以考虑从非处方药或处方药中购买抗组胺药. 如果需要在白天服用,因为有些人在服用抗组胺药时会感到昏昏欲睡,所以选择非镇静药物.

Calamine Lotion: 炉甘石洗剂直接应用于患处有助于减少瘙痒,从而舒缓过敏的皮肤.

Cold Compress: 在肿胀的地方使用冷敷或冰袋有助于减少炎症和缓解瘙痒的感觉.

Topical Corticosteroids:

你的平台首页可以给你开一些含有皮质类固醇的药膏来帮助减少炎症和止痒. 重要的是要按照他们的说明,这些面霜应该使用多久或使用多长时间.


For itching relief and lessening allergic reactions, 你可以考虑从非处方药或处方药中购买抗组胺药. 如果需要在白天服用,因为有些人在服用抗组胺药时会感到昏昏欲睡,所以选择非镇静药物.


经常在干燥、发痒、受刺激的皮肤上使用低过敏性保湿霜,以达到舒缓的效果. For products without fragrances, dyes, and other potential allergens look out.

Calamine Lotion:


Cold Compress:


Topical Immunomodulators:

In case of certain allergic skin conditions, 你的平台首页可能会建议你使用一些含有钙调磷酸酶抑制剂的药膏,如他克莫司或吡美莫司.

Phototherapy (Light Therapy):


Allergen Immunotherapy (Desensitization):

对于某些皮肤过敏的原因,平台首页可能会建议使用过敏原免疫疗法. 你会逐渐接触到更多的过敏原直到你对它产生耐受性.

Note: The treatments mentioned here are provided for informational purposes only. 强烈建议在使用上述任何药物之前咨询皮肤科平台首页或皮肤专家, 因为他们可以根据你的个人病史和需求提供个性化的建议.

Why Choose American Hospital Dubai for Your Skin Allergy?

  • Our world-class facility features a serene environment tailored just for you. From compassionate caregivers to cutting-edge technology, every step along the way ensures comfort and convenience.
  • We do not want to fix things fast. We provide continuous support, education, 并指导如何有效地管理你的过敏发作,以及自信地处理任何未来的复发,如果他们发生.
  • •我们的皮肤科平台首页是国际知名的专家,他们在诊断和治疗过敏方面不断研究和采用新的发展.
  • 我们的多学科团队有效地协同工作,使我们减轻身体症状,但照顾情绪健康,从而采用整体治疗方法.

Schedule an Appointment:

如果需要预约我们的皮肤科平台首页谁专门在正规赌博十大平台排行过敏, 请致电+971 4344 0000讨论您的担忧,并接受个性化的治疗过敏性皮疹的选择.


For cases that aren’t severe, cold compresses may help, 也可以使用不会引起任何过敏反应的润肤霜,并且应该避免使用他或她知道的过敏原.

局部使用皮质类固醇和抗组胺药通常是为了缓解过敏反应引起的皮疹症状. 治疗的选择将取决于你的平台首页确定的严重程度.

有非处方和处方抗组胺药可用于治疗由过敏反应引起的伤口. More so, in critical cases, oral corticosteroids are also another option for skin allergy hives treatment.

如果其他方法效果不佳,可以使用使用过敏原提取物的免疫疗法. 注射过敏针剂会逐渐增加对这种物质的接触,从而建立起对它的免疫力.


平台首页的监督下,控制紫外线疗法可以帮助控制一些过敏性皮肤疾病. 因此,在与您的平台首页讨论光疗的适用范围后,建议您使用光疗.

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