

胰腺是位于腹部后部的一个小器官. It measures about 15 cm and has two main functions: producing enzymes that aid the digestive process by breaking down foods, 关于核子和和的, 释放控制体内血糖水平的胰岛素和胰高血糖素. 胰岛素能降低高血糖水平,胰高血糖素能在低血糖时提高血糖水平.

The pancreas has two kinds of cells, which are called the exocrine and neuroendocrine portions. 外分泌细胞分泌消化酶并形成大部分胰腺肿块, nearly 85 per cent.

神经内分泌部分有称为朗格汉斯岛的小簇细胞, which produce the crucial hormones insulin and glucagon.


When the cells in the pancreatic tissue undergo mutation or changes and multiply out of control, it lecerous tumors. Typically, cells multiply to replace the dying cells, 在健康的身体中,细胞复制是一个受控制的过程. But when they multiply beyond the usual pattern, it leads to an extra mass of cells which may be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).


Pancreatic cancer is classified into two types: exocrine or neuroendocrine tumors. Most pancreatic cancers - more than 90 per cent - are exocrine tumors that start in the cells responsible for secreting digestive enzymes. Knowing which cell type has become cancerous is critical to devise the appropriate treatment because the two categories of cells call for different treatments.

Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: is the most common exocrine pancreatic cancer that starts in the cells lining the pancreatic duct. It is also called ductal carcinoma.

Acinar ccaracinoa: When cancer develops in the cells that produce digestive enzymes, it is called acinar cell carcinoma. 这是一种罕见的外分泌癌,仅占胰腺癌的1%至2%.

————————————: Another extremely rare form of exocrine pancreatic cancer, 它形成于胰管,由纯粹的鳞状细胞组成, which are not usually found in the pancreas. 鳞状细胞类似鱼鳞,通常位于皮肤组织中, 大业林业, and respiratory and digestive tracts.

Adenosquamous Carcinoma: This is also a rare type of exocrine pancreatic cancer, 发生在不到1%到4%的外分泌胰腺癌中. Adenosquamous Carcinoma reveals characteristics of Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (PNETs): This neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer occurs due to abnormal growth in the islets of Langerhans, the cells producing insulin and glucagon in the pancreas. The cells in these tumors may produce hormones or not, however, most PNETs are non-functional and do not release hormones.


  • Gastrinoma: 产生胃泌素的细胞中的肿瘤,胃泌素是一种帮助消化食物的酸. 毛斯园为我们的花园.
  • Insulinoma: 一种产生胰岛素的细胞中的肿瘤,胰岛素是控制血糖水平的激素. Insulinoma is usually non-cancerous.
  • Glucagonoma: 胰腺胰高血糖素生成细胞中形成肿瘤的一种情况. Glucagon helps the liver break down stored glycogen and release it into the bloodstream to boost low sugar levels. A majority of glucagonomas are cancerous.

cancreatic: cauces & RISK FACTORS

There is no substantive evidence to determine the cause of pancreatic cancers through genetic predisposition and lifestyle are significant drivers of the disease. 以下是最可能导致胰腺癌的因素:

Smoking: It is a significant risk factor for pancreatic cancer. 吸烟或使用烟草制品的人患此病的可能性是不吸烟者的两倍, and quitting smoking reduces the risks.

淘宝: Obesity is a significant risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 30 are at a higher risk than those who may not be overweight but have heavy waistlines and abdominal fat.

Diabetes: Type 2 diabetics are at high risk for pancreatic cancer though the exact reason for this is unknown.

Chronic pancreatitis: Long-term inflammation of the pancreas, called pancreatitis, is associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. People who drink and smoke heavily develop pancreatitis.

用于化疗: 例如,某些化学物质可能会增加患胰腺癌的风险, dry cleaning solutions and metal-making chemicals.

妇女基金会: It is a hereditary condition where people inherit gene changes that increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.

国际法院: Lifestyle or environment-related conditions can also lead to gene mutations in the pancreatic tissues causing pancreatic cancer.

Age & Gender: 70岁以上的人更容易患胰腺癌. 这种风险随着年龄的增长而增加,而且男性更容易得这种病.

Wrong diet: Eating excessive quantities of red meats and fried and processed foods could increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.


Pancreatic cancer is typically not detected in its early stages as it often doesn't lead to symptoms. 只有在扩散到身体其他部位后才会变得明显. 在疾病的较晚期阶段,症状包括:

  • Pain in the abdomen that spreads to the back: 当坐着或躺着时痉挛的感觉,随着疾病的发展而增加.
  • Loss of appetite and unexpected weight loss: 胰腺癌变会抑制其产生消化酶的能力, o #绝对核心核心, and the body cannot process nutrients leading to weight loss.
  • Nausea: It is caused due to changes in digestive processes.
  • 大肠杆菌: 由于胰腺酶减少而未消化的食物导致大便苍白.
  • 《平台首页》: 一些胰腺癌平台首页由于胰岛素释放受损而导致糖尿病.
  • Fatigue: It is ' arly系统系统. 一个人精力不足,注意力不集中,思维速度慢.
  • Blood clots: 胰腺癌促进血栓形成(深静脉血栓), DVT), lung (pulmonary embolism), or organs.
  • A sudden bout of jaundice-like effects: 由于体内胆红素的积累,皮肤和眼白看起来是黄色的. Bilirubin, a yellowish substance found in bile juice, 是由肝脏制造并帮助清除体内的废物吗. Due to cancer in the pancreas and its diminished functions, the bile duct, which passes through the pancreas, gets blocked, 导致胆红素积聚,使尿液呈深棕色, 《平台首页》的要点.
  • Itchy skin: It occurs to the build-up of bilirubin in the body.



The AJCC or American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM system is most used to chart the course of pancreatic cancer. It considers the following factors:

  • 国家不同的不同?
  • 是否扩散到胰腺外,影响附近的淋巴结??
  • Has it metastasized (spread to other body parts) (M)?

将偏转系统, 平台首页使用从0期到4期的五部分胰腺癌分期系统. 它为他们提供了癌症扩散程度、严重程度和最佳治疗方法的指南.


Stage 0: 在胰腺内壁可以检测到可能癌变的异常细胞.

Stage I: Only the pancreas is affected by cancerous cells. Doctors determine the size of the tumor at this stage.

Stage II: 癌症有可能扩散到邻近的组织、器官或淋巴结. 确定癌症扩散的区域,以得到准确的诊断.

Stage III: Cancer has spread beyond the pancreas to the major blood vessels and perhaps the nearby lymph nodes, but it has not contaminated other organs.

Stage IV: 肿瘤已经扩散到离胰腺更远的器官.

迪拜美国医院是癌症治疗的前沿. It is in step with the evolving cancer staging system to deliver the most accurate cancer diagnosis and the most effective treatment and care.


如果你有任何胰腺癌的症状,不要延误诊断. 在#年期间,秘书处编写了一份关于协作手册。. 迪拜美国医院的平台首页将做以下检查:

Physical check-up and health history: An overall check-up to detect any abnormal issues, along with an analysis of the patient’s health history.

Imaging tests: These involve taking pictures of your internal organs, 包括灯笼, using ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT) scans, 磁共振成像(MRI)和正电子发射断层扫描(PET)扫描.

打开窗户: The endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) creates images of your pancreas to detect the growth of any abnormal mass.

Tissue samples: A small pancreas tissue is obtained through the endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) to conduct a biopsy. We also sometimes use a fine needle biopsy inserted into the pancreas through the skin to get a tissue sample.

Blood test: Our doctors may recommend a blood test to lab test it for specific proteins released by the pancreas with malignant cells and levels of bilirubin in the blood.

麦特克: Blood, urine, or tissue samples are analyzed to measure certain substances released in the body. 当这些物质含量高时,就预示着癌症的可能性.

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): It uses an endoscope and a catheter tube to check if the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts are blocked due to tumor growth.

Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography (PTC): The procedure injects dye into the liver to detect any blockages of the bile ducts through X-ray. 如果染料自由移动,胆管是透明的,没有肿瘤阻塞胆管.


Pancreatic cancer treatment includes several approaches, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, vaccination, pain management, immunotherapy, or a combination of these approaches and dietary changes.


《正规赌博十大平台排行》: It is only done when the diagnosis says it is possible to remove all the cancerous mass in the pancreas.

Palliative surgery: If the cancer is widespread and cannot be removed entirely, palliative surgery alleviates symptoms.

Whipple procedure (pancreaticoduodenectomy): 这个手术去除胰腺头部的癌变组织, sometimes, 菠菜卷. 它也可能涉及切除邻近器官的部分,如小肠, the bile duct, the gallbladder, lymph nodes, and the stomach and realigning the organs’ remaining portions to allow food processes to carry on in the digestive tract. 这个过程在迪拜美国医院是例行公事, a leader in advanced complex cancer surgery using the most advanced techniques by American-Board certified surgeons.

Distal pancreatectomy: 这一过程用于消除胰腺尾部和身体的癌症.

道达尔pancreatectomy: This procedure is undertaken if cancer has spread throughout the pancreas and also entails the removal of adjacent lymph nodes, 《正规赌博十大平台排行》的报告, duodenum, gallbladder and possibly the spleen. 失去胰腺会使病人无法制造胰岛素, which means they will be required to take insulin externally, 还有酶替代药物来弥补正常胰腺功能的丧失.

Bile duct stent: If cancer is present in the head of the pancreas, the extra mass of tissue can block the bile duct, 是什么穿过这个区域导致胆汁积聚从而引起腹痛, digestive和, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, etc. Inserting a stent in the bile duct keeps it open to combat the pressure of the surrounding cancerous tissue.

电子教育: The procedure, which can be performed laparoscopically, 将胆汁从堵塞的管道输送到小肠, 你打破了窗户.

与辐射源Therapy: High-energy X-rays (or particles) attack cancer cells. 根据癌症的程度和肿瘤的侵袭性,它可以与化疗联合使用. The duration of the radiation and chemo depends on the cancer containment rate and the outcome.

Chemotherapy: It involves injecting or administering an anti-cancer drug and can be used to treat pancreatic cancer at any stage, before surgery to shrink the tumor, post-surgery to eliminate any remaining cancer cells, 或者在胰腺癌晚期手术不可行的时候. The last type is known as palliative chemotherapy, 这种药物旨在减轻胰腺癌的症状和疼痛.

Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy is a form of treatment that helps the body's fight diseases with naturally produced body chemicals or drugs which prevent the cancer cells’ from fooling the immune system from detection. 他的财务状况, 什么是什么?, 作为一种治疗胰腺癌的新形式正在接受审查吗.

Targeted therapy:This procedure focuses on the specific cancer-causing genes. 它的重点是消除帮助癌症生长的蛋白质和基因驱动因素, thus limiting harm to healthy cells. 每种肿瘤都有不同的靶向治疗方法,因为癌变肿瘤的诱因各不相同. Doctors analyze many factors before drawing up a tailored treatment program for the type and stage of pancreatic cancer.

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