Branka Majstorovic

After graduation of physiotherapy in Belgrade Ms. Branka Majstorovic completed her internship in the best rehabilitation center in Belgrade, “Dr Miroslav Zotovic”. There she got offer for full time job in the first scoliosis center in Belgrade treating patient by Schroth method. Certified by Dr Manuel Rigo himself, she is using this method successfully today as well in treating different types of scoliosis and kyphosis. Besides her first love, scoliosis, her clinical expertise branches to different pathologies in orthopedic, neurology, sport medicine, Pre and Post Operative cases, Geriatric rehabilitation. Her approach to maximize rehabilitation potential, adjusted to needs and abilities of the patient includes variety of exercises. For the last 5 years now, she has been applying it successfully in Dubai.

اللغات : الإنجليزية, صربي
أنواع الطبيب : وقت كامل
DOH رخصة الصف : Schroth Therapist
الفروع : عيادة المستشفى الأمريكي في دبي هيلز


  • Schroth therapist, BSPTS, Serbia, Physiotherapist,
  • VMS Belgrade, Serbia,

الخبرة العملية:

  • Physiotherapist, Neuro Spinal Hospital, Dubai,
  • Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation center “Dr Miroslav Zotovic”, Belgrade,

الخبرة السريرية والخدمات المقدمة:

  • Schroth treatment for scoliosis
  • Conservative spinal management
  • Pre and Post Operative rehabilitation.
  • Neuromusculoskeletal disorders
  • Sport prevention and rehabilitation treatment
  • Orthopedic

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