أذن السباح

أذن السباح

游泳者耳是从耳膜到头部外部的外耳道感染,是由于水留在耳朵里造成的, forming a moist environment, leading to bacteria's growth.
Putting fingers, cotton swabs, 或者耳朵里的任何其他物体也可能导致游泳者的耳朵,因为它撕裂了耳道里薄薄的一层皮肤. The condition is treated with eardrops, 及时治疗可以预防并发症和更严重的感染.

Understand the symptoms

游泳者耳病开始时症状轻微,但如果不治疗,可能会恶化,并可能传播. 病情分为轻度、中度和晚期.

Mild condition

轻微的症状是耳道瘙痒, redness inside the ear, 轻微的不适,如果拉外耳(耳廓或耳廓)或推耳前的小肿块(耳屏),则会变得更严重,并排出清晰的液体, odorless fluid.

Moderate progression

Here the itching gets more intense with more pain, extensive redness in the ear, and excessive fluid drainage. 其他症状包括耳内充盈感和耳道肿胀部分堵塞, fluid and debris and decreased or muffled hearing.

Advanced progression

In this state, 疼痛变得很严重,并扩散到脸部, neck or side of the head, causes complete blockage of the ear canal, fever, 外耳发红或肿胀,颈部淋巴结肿胀.

Consult the doctor


Know the causes

Bacteria causes swimmer's ear infection and, in some unfamiliar conditions, results from a fungus or virus.
外耳道有天然的防御,有助于保持耳朵清洁和限制感染. 当自然防御被击败时,疾病就会发生. Factors like moisture in the ear canal may form a perfect environment for bacterial growth; exposure to contaminated water and damage to the ear canal's sensitive skin creates an opening for infection.

Recognise the risk

增加游泳者耳朵风险的因素包括由于大量出汗而导致耳道中过多的水分, 长时间的潮湿天气或游泳后仍留在耳朵里的水, 暴露在高细菌含量的污染水中. Even ear devices, like earbuds or hearing aids, 可能会在皮肤上造成微小的裂痕,用棉签或指甲清洁耳道会造成划痕或擦伤.

Associated complexities

The condition isn't severe when treated immediately; complications occur when left untreated, like:
-长期感染(慢性外耳炎),症状持续超过一个月. 当某些情况使治疗困难时,慢性病更常见, like a rare strain of bacteria, 过敏的皮肤反应或对抗生素滴耳液的反应, skin conditions like dermatitis or psoriasis, 或者是细菌,细菌和真菌感染的结合.
骨和软骨损伤(早期颅底骨髓炎)是另一种罕见的并发症,它会使感染扩散到外耳软骨和颅骨下部的骨头, causing increasingly severe pain. 老年人、糖尿病平台首页或免疫系统较弱的人容易出现这种风险.
-当游泳者的耳朵发展成晚期颅底骨髓炎时, 感染会扩散并影响身体的其他部位, like the brain or nearby nerves, which may be life-threatening.

Measures for prevention

These tips can help prevent swimmer's ear:
• Keep ears dry. 游泳或洗澡后,将头向一侧倾斜,以排出耳道内所有的水. Dry only the outer ear, 用柔软的毛巾轻轻地擦拭,或者用吹风机把它调到最低档, holding it at least a foot away from the ear.
• At-home preventive treatment. 当你知道你的耳膜没有被刺破时,使用一份白醋和一份外用酒精自制的预防滴耳液. 它有助于干燥和防止细菌和真菌的生长. 在游泳前后,将一茶匙的这种溶液分别放入两只耳朵,然后让它流出. 同样,使用非处方的解决方案,可以在药店买到.
• Swim wisely. 当有细菌数量高的警告时,不要在湖泊或河流中游泳. 此外,游泳时用耳塞或泳帽保护耳朵,以保持干燥.
• Be cautioned after an ear infection or surgery. 如果你最近有过耳部感染或耳部手术,在游泳前要和你的平台首页谈谈.
• Never put foreign objects in the ear. 不要用棉签之类的东西抓痒或挖耳垢, 回形针或发夹,因为它会将物质深入耳道, irritate and break the thin skin inside the ear.
•当你有过多的耳垢堵塞耳道时, 用滴管滴几滴矿物油或婴儿油, 在耳道中加入甘油或稀释过的过氧化氢软化耳垢.

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